You'll Never Be Alone

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Maria comforts Manolo after a nightmare.

With the exception of a few arguments here and there, Manolo and Maria had their first real fight five months into their marriage. The general had made a comment about how Carlos raised Manolo, causing Manolo to snap. They argued until Maria stepped in. She scolded Manolo for going too far, which escalated into its own argument. The young couple went to bed not talking to each other that night.

Maria couldn’t sleep thinking about the fight. She went into the kitchen for some water when she ran into her father. 

“Is everything alright, mija?” The general asked. 

“Yeah.” She said, “I just couldn’t sleep.” She sighed and sat down, “It feels wrong, fighting with Manolo like that.”

“That’s normal in any relationship, Maria. It’s not like you and Manolo haven’t argued before.” 

“Well, yeah, but not like this.”

“You have nothing to worry about. He will apologize come morning and see that we’re both right. Carlos should’ve raised him to know better.” 

“How can you say that, Papa? Sure, he wasn’t the best father, but he still-” Maria stopped herself. She realized Manolo’s perspective when he snapped at her father. He may have gone too far, but he was defending Carlos. She sighed and realized how insensitive she sounded during their fight, “You’re apologizing to Manolo in the morning.”

The general was taken aback, “Where did this come from?” 

“I was in the wrong, too, Papa. And so were you.” She went back upstairs. 

When she got closer to her room, she heard screaming. Her heart stopped. Something was wrong. She sprinted to the bedroom and threw the door open. Manolo was in bed, screaming and thrashing. 

He was having a nightmare. 

"Manolo!" Maria shook Manolo, trying to wake him, "Manolo, wake up! Hey! Hey! Wake up! It's not real! It's not real!"

Manolo’s eyes snapped open, "No!!" He was covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

"It's ok, just breathe." Maria held his face in her hands, "I'm right here. It wasn't real."

He looked at her with red, glassy eyes as he steadied his breathing. Manolo hugged her tightly and cried into her neck. Maria was silent as she held him, running her hand through his hair. She didn't even want to imagine what hell he woke up from.

Once he calmed down, she took him to the bathroom where he splashed cold water on his face. When they went back to bed, Maria asked, "What happened?"

Manolo was silent for a while before finally saying, "Everyone was dying. You, Joaquin, Papa… everyone. You were being torn, burned, tortured… and I was forced to watch… all while I felt venom in my veins."

"Has this happened before?"

"Several times. But it's never been this bad before."

Maria took his hands, "I've had nightmares about that day too." She pulled him into a warm hug. She felt somewhat guilty that he had such an awful dream the night they fought, almost as if she gave him the nightmare. 

Manolo held her tighter as more tears fell, "You're all the family I have left." His voice cracked, "I don't want to lose you again."

She ran her hand through his hair, "You won't. Not if I have anything to say about it. Whatever we dream about isn't real because it worked out for us." She started to sing softly.

But you'll never be alone

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

Baby, I'm right here

I'll hold you when things go wrong

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

Baby, I'm right here

Manolo calmed down fully hearing her sing, laughing a little, "That's something I would do for you."

"You needed it this time."

He sighed and nuzzled into her, "I'm sorry."

Maria pulled away to smile at him, wiping a tear from his eye, "I'm the one who should be sorry." 

He smiled as she gave him a soft kiss.

"We'll talk more in the morning." 

"Mhm." Manolo agreed.

They held each other under the covers, knowing they'll never be alone.

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