My Turn To Care For You

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Micte comes to her younger sister, La Muerte, begging her for help when she's pregnant with Maya.

The night was still and quiet. 

Ever since Micte married Mictlan, La Muerte didn't see her older sister as often as before. She was uneasy about the couple, unsure that they got married just for love. La Muerte often asked Micte if she loved Mictlan, to which she'd say yes, but La Muerte wasn't convinced. She had the feeling there was something sinister behind their marriage. 

There was a knock at the door and when La Muerte went to answer, it was Micte. 

"Micte." La Muerte said, warmly embracing her sister, "It feels like it's been forever."

"It's been too long, hermana." Micte said as she walked inside. 

"What brings you here?" 

Micte's smile fell as she sat down, "Hermana... I'm expecting." 

La Muerte was caught off guard for a moment before smiling, "Micte, that's wonderful." She was about to embrace her sister again when she noticed Micte's gloomy demeanor.

Her happiness was replaced with concern, "Is... everything ok?"

Micte looked up at La Muerte, "It's not Mictlan's."

La Muerte's heart stopped at the unexpected news. She never thought her sister would be one to do something like this. 

"Micte, what have you done?" La Muerte asked, "Who's the father?"

"I can't say."

"How far along are you?" 

"About three months." 

La Muerte started pacing the room, "What were you thinking? Does anyone else know about this?" 

"No, and no one can ever know." 

"How could you- You know how I feel about Mictlan, but why would you do this to your husband? I thought you loved him." 

"I do, I do. It was one time, and I can assure you that it won't happen again. But please, don't tell anyone about this, La Muerte." 

"I promise I won't say anything, but sooner or later, you have to tell Mictlan the truth. He's going to find out eventually." 

"I know, but he can't find out just yet. I need to hide until it's born."

La Muerte could see where this was going, but still she listened to her sister intently.

"If it isn't too much trouble, hermana, please, let me stay with you until it's born."

She didn't at all approve of what her sister had done, but Micte had always looked after her siblings growing up. It was about time she returned the favor. 

With a sigh, La Muerte said, "Of course, Micte. It wouldn't be any trouble at all."

Micte let out a sigh of relief and went to hug her sister, "Ay, gracias hermana."

"Anytime. But please don't do anything you'll regret."

"I promise. I'll tell you everything one day, but please, promise me you won't ask so many questions."

"I won't. Just be careful."

For the longest time, Micte took care of La Muerte. Now it was time for La Muerte to take care of Micte.

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