Late Night Visit

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The Sanchez children are visited by some old friends.

The night was still and humid. The Mondragon mansion was mostly quiet with the Sanchez children in bed. Joaquin was out that night while Manolo and Maria were working in their studio.

Carlos frantically entered his sisters’ room and shut the door behind him. He climbed into the foot of their bed and hid under the covers, waking up Celina and Cecilia.

“Carlos?” Celina grumbled, sitting up, “What are you doing?”

He crawled up the bed to look at them, “There… there were people outside my window.” He said.

“People?” Cecilia asked, “What are you talking about?”

“They had red and purple faces. One of them had red eyes.” Carlos pulled the blanket over him, “The other had white hair.”

The twins looked at each other. What Carlos was saying sounded vaguely familiar.

“You don't think he's talking about Dawn and Dusk, do you?” Celina asked Cecilia.

“He has to be.” Cecilia replied, “But why would-” There was a tapping at the window. Carlos looked at the window only to duck back under the blanket, “Ah, they're back! They found me!”

The twins got out of bed and went to the window. Two people: a boy with tan skin, dark hair, red eyes and face paint, and a pale girl with white pigtails, brown eyes, and purple face paint. Just like Carlos said. They were about three years older than the sisters.

“Hey.” Cecilia said when they opened the window, “What are you guys doing here?”

“We wanted to see you again.” Dusk said, “Don't worry, our parents know where we are.”

“Are you lying?” Celina asked, crossing her arms.

“No, no, of course not.” Dawn said, “This time.”

“But why did you scare Carlos?”

“Who's Carlos?” Dusk asked.

Celina looked back at the bed where Carlos was still cowering under the blanket. She went and lifted the blanket off him, “It's ok. They're not gonna hurt you.”

Carlos looked at his sister and at Dawn and Dusk in uncertainty, “Who are they?” He asked as Celina guided him to the window.

“They're friends.” Cecilia said, “This is Carlos, our little brother.” 

“Hi.” Dawn smiled, “I'm Dawn and this is my twin brother, Dusk.”

“You're not twins.” Carlos said, “You're a girl.”

“Yes, we are.”

“Why were you watching me?!”

“We didn't mean to scare you, we were just looking for your sisters.” Dusk said, “You want to see something cool?” Dusk lifted his hand and created a small ball of light.

Carlos got closer to the light, his eyes wide with wonder as his fear went away, “Whoa. How did you do that?”

“Our parents are the gods of the sun and moon.” Dawn said, “Watch this.” She backed away from the window to show that she and Dusk were floating.

Carlos leaned his head out the window to get a better look, “Whoa.”

“You see?” Cecilia said, “They're not gonna hurt you.”

“Do you like Dusk?” Carlos asked.

“What are you talking about, Carlos?” Celina asked, crossing her arms.

“You like Dusk, don't you?” 

“No, I don't!” 

“Yes, you do. Celina likes Du-” Cecilia covered her brother's mouth, “Ignore him.” She said.

Dawn and Dusk laughed, “Don't worry, we know you don't like me like that.” Dusk said.

“Good because we don't.” Cecilia said. She glanced at Dusk and tried not to make eye contact with him.

Carlos pushed his sister's hand away, “Can you teach me how to fly?”

“We can't teach you, but we can do this.” Dusk said. He grabbed Carlos’ hands and floated around the room.

“Whoa, whoa!” Carlos laughed as he was lifted in the air. Dawn did the same to Celina then Cecilia. The five of them laughed as they played with the celestial twins’ power.

After a while, Manolo and Maria opened the door, “Girls?” Maria said, “What's all the noise abo-?” Manolo and Maria paused to see floating orbs of light around the room and their children being carried in the air.

The kids froze when they saw the adults, “Hi, Mama! Hi, Papa!” Carlos innocently said.

Manolo and Maria chuckled, “Hello Dawn and Dusk.” Manolo said, “It's been a while.”

“Hola.” Dawn and Dusk smiled sheepishly as they set Carlos and Cecilia back down.

“Your powers are getting stronger, aren't they?” Maria asked.

“Yep.” Dusk said, “Papa said we're almost old enough to start training.”

“Really?” Cecilia asked. Dusk nodded and she smiled at him.

“That's wonderful.” Manolo said, “You know you're always welcome here, but maybe you could visit us during the day next time.”

“We'll try.” Dawn said, “We should get going. It was great seeing you all again.”

“And it was great meeting you, Carlos.” Dusk said.

The Sanchez family said goodbye to their friends as they left from the window.

Manolo picked up Carlos as he yawned, “And now it's time for all of you to go back to bed.”

“Will we see them again?” Carlos asked.

“Of course we will.” Maria said, “They show up when you least expect it.” She tucked the girls back into bed and kissed them goodnight. She left with Manolo to tuck Carlos back into bed.

“Dusk's hair was a little longer than last time.” Cecilia said.

“What?” Celina asked.


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