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Friday- 8:22 pm

MWFriday- 8:22 pm

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One week later...

"Who you feeling like with these glasses on?!" Beyoncé laughed as I watched her get her makeup done.

I came with Beyoncé to L.A to do a few interviews and promotion for my album that is already charting in the top ten. It was such a surreal experience.

I never imagined my life this way but I live every second of it. I was so close to being a divorced woman and even though the recent scandal has prolonged the process I still chose to remain positive. It helped that each day I felt like I became more and more of the woman I'd like to be.

It was refreshing but also overwhelming. Which is why I was glad Beyoncé was able to come along. Turns out she had a few appearances to attend herself.

Her last appearance happened to be a show and I was excited to see her perform. I wondered how much her personality differed from day to day versus being on stage.

"Tenitra Michelle! That's who.." I replied adjusting my shirt so my cleavage was more visible.

Each day I became more confident in the style of clothing I wore. It became more revealing but still tasteful in my opinion. I felt comfortable which was the most important part.

"You need to be pulling the shirt up.." She mumbled as she briefly lowered her eyes into the mirror to stare directly at my chest.

"Stop looking!" I covered myself, shielding my cleavage from her view.

"Stop being so fine Tenitra. I can't help but to look.." This time around she didn't attempt to mumble or hide what she said at all.

I kept my back towards her as I blushed and made as much distance between us as possible. Our flirting has become even more intense the last few weeks. I didn't even think that was possible yet here we were.

I found myself constantly wanting more from her even if I didn't know what more actually was. Beyoncé seemed to keep her composure behind all of this or maybe she was just hard to read. But I was pretty sure she knew just how flustered she could get me.

I turned around to sit down on the couch as our eyes met hers in the mirror once again. Usually I'd look away but in the moment I couldn't or maybe I just didn't want to.

The door opening causing us both to lower our gaze as her mom walked in followed by her cousin Angie.

"Beyoncé why aren't you dressed?!" Her mom said before training to say hi to me.

I had to admit it was a bit awkward the first time I saw her outside of the church. But now we seemed to be warming up to each other in a way that was refreshing and wasn't weird.

"Because you usually help me and you weren't here.." She stood up and within minutes I watched as her mother made sure she was perfectly fit into her outfit.

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