Chapter 20

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"Are you always this amiable with everyone?"


"Why can't you extend that kindness to me?"

"What are you implying?"

Erica furrowed her brow, growing irritated at Chaud's unnecessary confrontation.

As they took a few steps, another voice chimed in.

"Hey, Erica!"


"Who's that with you? I don't recognize him."

"He's just passing through!"


Goodness, not even considered a friend, just a passerby.

Chaud wondered if there was any other woman capable of unsettling him like Erica did.

"Erica... seriously, what's going on? We were supposed to be friends back in Lugis."

"That's invalid."

"What? When?"



"Hmm, it's a matter of the heart."

"Even if we don't become a fixed pair, isn't our friendship still valid?"



Chaud watched her silently, feeling compelled to say something, but-

"Can we have a proper conversation-"

"Heuk, Erica! It's Erica!"



He was abruptly interrupted by a man sprinting at a breakneck speed.

Chaud furrowed his brow, realizing that his exclamation sounded more like a shriek than a greeting.

"Who is that?"

"A friend of mine from the Merchant's Guild. He's a bit of a troublemaker, but a decent guy."

As if on cue, Erica waved her arm at her approaching friend.


"Erica, why are you here now? Come quickly, run quickly! Quick, quickly, quickly!"

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"The guild headquarters has been attacked!"

"What? Again? I thought the merchant guild's inheritance problem was solved? Your guild is so unlucky and always gets screwed over-"

"No, not our guild!"


"I mean, the mercenary guild headquarters!"

Erica blinked. After a moment, her jaw dropped.

"What the hell?!"


For the past few days, Erica had been eagerly anticipating her return to Guild Headquarters.

Throughout the lengthy carriage ride following the completion of the Lugis request, her mind had been consumed by thoughts of it.

Would Pechenik be back when she returned?

'It's been a while since I've seen him.'

Of course he would, she reasoned.

Erica - When a Friend is Obsessed With MeWhere stories live. Discover now