Chapter 24

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Their gazes locked.


Chaud gazed up at Erica with a vacant expression, the same one he'd been wearing for some time.

His hair, nearly black, took on a hint of blue in the morning light.

Her sword was propped up against a tree, right next to his navy blue hair, and he didn't seem to mind.

She had thrown it around pretty menacingly, but it must have been no threat at all.

"How long have you been observing?"

"Since a little while ago."

"It's not polite to watch someone else's swordsmanship practice."

"You were so good, I was mesmerized. I'm sorry if I offended you."

"You certainly have a way with words."


She seized the sword firmly and wrenched it free from the tree, leaving behind a noticeable dent.

Running her finger along the blade's worn surface, she noted its battered condition from recent use and resolved to visit the forge.

"Are you done? No more?"


"I wanted to see more."

"Shut up."

Chaud rose to his feet, his gaze lifting upward.


He leaped skyward, snatching a branch and snapping it effortlessly.

As he tore a leaf from a sturdy-looking branch, he spoke.

"Just this once with me."

The sound was remarkable.

He was spouting nonsense again this morning!

If only she had an iron sword in hand, this would feel more fair.

"You're using a branch?"

"Yes. I didn't bring a sword."

He grasped the branch as if it were a sword, extending it before him.

Whoosh, he twirled it around his wrist.

It all seemed absurd.

"Hey, I don't duel with branches."

"It's not a branch."

Chaud insisted.


As if to substantiate his claim, the branch underwent a transformation.

With a resonant crackle, it bathed in blue light.

It was an aura.

The branch shimmered with an otherworldly strength, as if embodying the essence of the World Tree.


Erica stared at him, disbelief widening her eyes.

She felt an urge to give him a swift punch for his smug smirk.

"I thought you promised not to use aura around me."

"Only when you're a fixed pair with me."

"You're insufferable."

"Lacking confidence, are we?"


Tat, she distanced herself slightly, then—!

Erica - When a Friend is Obsessed With MeWhere stories live. Discover now