Chapter 25

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She bit into her sandwich and turned around.

It wasn't coming from the front door. It was coming from the window.

"Come in."

Wide open!

The wooden window creaked open. A tall man leaped through and strode in.

It was Chaud.

He was light on his feet, but his large frame made the window seem cramped.

"Why did you leave the door in good condition and go through there?"

Chaud just smiled.

It felt a little strange to see that fresh smile.

Why does he look like that?

Even he knew he was handsome when he's just smiling.

"Let's go."

"Go where!"

She ignored his insistence to follow her, but now he was ready to leave.

"Why are you following me?"

"I've always wanted to visit ancient ruins."

"This isn't a request!"

"I know."

Chaud replied in a low, sing-song voice.

He leaned in closer and turned his attention to the map on the table.

He rested one arm next to the map.

His long fingers traced the Grand Canal, then traced a path along the river.

It was exactly the route Erica had thought of earlier.


Chaud stopped at the same spot and tapped his finger.

"We'll have to take a long, long boat ride from the Grand Canal to get here... and then we'll have to go through the Illusory Forest ."

"Through the Illusory Forest?"

"Because a straight line is the fastest way."

"No, even if you cross the jungle area, you don't have to cross all the way to the forest in the center. We can go straight in, then circle around a bit to avoid the forest."


Chaud's response was meek.

"Let's do that."


What should they do?

She scratched her forehead.

No matter how many times she explained that he wasn't coming with her, it seemed futile.

Erica finally sighed.

"...I need to stop by the guild headquarters."


"Because two S-class mercenaries are heading out, unofficially, and we need to sign a temporary team contract."

"Are you taking me?"

"If you become a nuisance, I'll leave you halfway."

She tossed him a sandwich. Chaud devoured it in one gulp.

He ate heartily. For some reason, she felt inclined to offer him another, but she had run out of sandwiches.

"Can't we just form a fixed-pair team?"

"Shut up."


He smiled, his eyes sparkling mischievously, unable to contain his excitement.

Erica - When a Friend is Obsessed With MeWhere stories live. Discover now