Chapter 23

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The boys were mostly awkward for some time. Leah was changing in Heeseung's room and the boy was specially antsy. She was in his room. The thought of it did something to him. He imagined her taking off her shirt and remembered the sight he had seen earlier when she still hadn't realized. If it weren't for Jay, he would've kept staring. But Jay acting like a gentleman in front of her, averted his eyes, forcing him to do the same. The image that came to his head next made him slap himself. Stop it. He thought. Then he wondered how things would've gone if there was no one else in the room when he was lying on her lap. Even now, a small part of him wanted to tear that wet shirt off of her and slam her to the counter, doing every possible thing he knew. This girl was something else. And he had a higher chance to get with her. Being a bias had its perks.

He wasn't the only one thinking that though. Sunghoon was sitting on the couch and replaying the event over and over in his mind. That oversized shirt did not do justice to her figure. And he realized all of the clothes she wore till now were loose fitting. Except for the off-shoulder on the first day. But his mind was too preoccupied to take note of it. He remembered how her small waist fit right into his hands like a glove. And he also remembered the jealousy radiating off of others in the museum. And Jungwon did what Sunghoon wanted to. He should've been the one to lead her away. To drag her away from everyone's hungry eyes. It wasn't a secret that most of them were becoming inclined towards her.

But why? Jake thought. How come his friends are attracted to a girl they met a few days ago? What was special about her? He supported his friends in their liking to her. But she considered them as her idols. What if she didn't reciprocate their feelings?

But she loves us, doesn't she? Sunoo thought. She's already a fan so was there a possibility of her rejecting his advances, if he was brave enough to try once? He closed his eyes and wished that he could be her boyfriend instead of pranking other people. Because when he had hugged her from behind that day, he had let go only because he was scared to hold on. Either way, it seemed as if Jungwon was a step ahead of him.

Something had happened between them. Niki was sure of it. He had seen Jungwon behave weirdly since yesterday. He looked almost depressed on the ride back the day before. And Leah's demeanor had changed a bit too. She wasn't exactly avoiding Jungwon but still, he felt the air changed. It wasn't the same funny vibe but something more between them. And he was really angry. The thought that Jungwon took her away from him was messing with his brain. Leah belonged to him. She had approached him first. He wished he could tell Jungwon to be off and leave her alone. If he had the confirmation that Leah would not mind him being with her, he would play the game to make her his, something that was probably going on through everyone's minds.

When Leah finally came out of the room. Heartbeats sped up at her attire. The hoodie sat right on her on her thighs. The sleeves reached just below her fingers. She still had her jeans on. But what if she hadn't? Sunoo was giddy inside. She was wearing his clothes. And looked so cute in it. The color too did some wonders for her complexion. Her olive skin looked brighter than it did in the morning. And he took a mental note of that. This hoodie now belonged to her.

"Is there a problem with this?" I asked them. And a few of them coughed.

"Nope. Not at all." Jay told me. "You look really cute."

I smiled wide at his compliment and looked down. Even though the hoodie was a bit loose on me. I liked the color.

"I'm sorry about this Sunoo. I'll return it to you soon." I said sheepishly.
"Keep it. You look pretty." He said. He was leaning sitting near the dining. His hands were on the table and leaning his face against it. And I remembered that Sunoo is cute only when he's smiling. At the moment he wasn't. His eyes bore into me and I fidgeted in my place.

"What do you want to eat?" Jay asked.

And that's it. The weird atmosphere was gone when it came to food.

"I want ttettbeoki!"


"Mint chocolate! "

"I asked Lee not you people," Jay said with a straight face.

"Me? I don't know...whatever you guys are eating." I said.

"Ah, seriously this girl never asks for anything," Jay murmured. "It's fine Lee. At this point, I shouldn't have to ask you to be shameless with your requests. You can ask us anything you want."

"Anything," Heeseung repeated, smirking.

"Food." Jay glared at him. And then looked back at me. "I'm ordering." His voice was softer and I was immediately reminded of Molly Weasley.

I went over to Jay and suggested some things. And he...ordered all of them. Just rich men's business, I thought. He ordered some more food for the boys too. When that work was done, Sunoo and Niki called me over to the couch saying they wanted to show me something. I sat down beside the Sunoo and Niki got up from his place and plopped himself on my other side.

"We want to show you some videos." Niki said as Sunoo opened youtube on his phone. Niki adjusted himself so that his head was right above mine, peering over Sunoo's phone which I now held. It was a Playlist of their shorts that they wanted me to react to.

I clicked on the first one which was of Jungwon.

I think I have now mastered the art of keeping a straight face while writing mature content. My mother was right beside me and didn't know what I was doing in my phone. Also, the first steamy confession is done y'all. Can anyone guess who it is? I can't wait to share it as soon as possible.

The target here is again 10 votes.

There are literally more than 40 reads on each new chapter, one tap won't take much time.

Your delusional writer
Signing off.

That Feeling WhenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora