Chapter 24

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The Playlist of those shorts ->

The video was of Jungwon signing autographs for the fans. And to be honest, he looked really cute. Right now, he was perched on the armrest of the couch beside Niki, looking at Leah's reaction. Actually, all of us were. Jake and Heeseung were on the opposite couch and Jay was near the counter doing whatever. He was just as intrigued by Leah but played it off well. And that got Leah looking up to him. But the truth was, he would cook anything for her and would buy a whole store for her if only she would just ask him to. That was his love language. I could've sat down with Jake and Heeseung but I stayed seated on a chair near the counter. This place gave me all the views I needed. When Leah had called Jungwon cute, I could see that he was hiding his blush. 

The next video was an edit of the eldest and youngest exchanging their groups in a TikTok. She was smiling the whole time. Niki too was blushing when she complimented his smooth form. She just went 'Oooo Niki' and this child buried his face in his hands. I could see that the others were slowly gaining interest in whatever was happening and started looking out for possible compliments.

The next video was of us in that night's variety show. We were all scrambling around to get the answer. But then when Heeseung was shown sleeping peacefully, she burst out laughing. Not gonna lie the music made it funnier.
"You sleep all the time, don't you? I saw another short like this where you did not wake up for half the episode." She looked at Heesueng who just smiled sheepishly. "And you sleep at really odd places." She narrowed her eyes at him reminding us of the commotion that took place a few hours ago. I knew he wasn't sleeping. That sneaky but lucky bastard.

Then there was this video of us playing shouting in silence. She was smiling the whole time at the passing of words and I couldn't help but remember how frustrating but funny it was.

Now even Jay had joined Heesueng and Jake on the couch and every one of us looking at her intently.

This video was of a fan arm wrestling with Sunoo, Jay, and Niki at a meet.
"Ooo Jay you look hot...ooh you almost killed that poor girl Niki."

Jay just laughed at his compliment but I knew he was going nuts in his mind.

"No I just won, I did not kill her." Niki said.

"Hmm, that girl is mentally strong." She said and continued. Niki was still confused but I understood. Leah was stronger than all that girl though. She was slowly opening up from her initial nervousness of reacting to our videos.

"Please tell us who danced better in this." Niki asked her.

It was a video of the Paint the Town challenge of Jungwon, Niki and Konon. Leah played the video 3 times and I could see her small eyes analyzing their dance. Her seriousness made me smile.
"Konon" she finally said after watching it the 4th time and Niki and Jungwon collectively groaned.

"You don't want to choose between me and Jungwon right?" Niki asked her blatantly.

"Nah that's not it. Jungwon did well, your movements are subtle but Konon has a natural groove to her steps. She's dancing along to the music and not just doing the steps. So she's more attractive here."

Hearing that from her surprised all of us. Niki did not expect her to say that.

"Lee, do you dance?" Heeseung asked.

"Nope. I can't dance even if my life depends on it." She said.

"Then how do you know about groove?" Jay asked.

"Online. Once I saw that, it was easy to notice it in any dance." She answered him.

"Then I'll teach you how to dance!" Niki exclaimed.

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