chapter 28.

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Sana's POV

The banters faded as Momo finally declared dinner. The salty breeze carried the scent of the mouthwatering dishes as we settled on a colorful spread of blankets on the warm sand.

Momo nestled beside me, while Mina settled on my other side. Jimin, Mina's husband, took the spot next to his wife. Hoseok found his place beside Momo, completing the circle, with Jungkook filling the space between the two guys.

Even though retelling my amnesia felt like a broken record for explaining it again and again, these were my friends.

Even after all those missing years, they were still here, listening closely with kind eyes even though their faces were all unrecognizable to me anymore.

One person, however, remained quieter than the rest. It was Jimin. His brows furrowed as he seemed to be lost in thought.

But then he spoke, "If only you could remember how you left..."

Mina shot him a disapproving glance, her head shaking slightly. Jimin simply lifted his glass and downed his soda in one swift motion.

I suddenly felt guilty. I wished more than anything that I could remember. 

What happened to me? Why did I leave them behind?

I wished I could get the answers from them, but all they could tell me was that I just vanished, without a word or a goodbye.

"Okay, time for champagne, everyone!" Momo's exclamation broke through the tension, springing up from her seat and seizing the bottle from the table.

"Besides catching up, I called you all here for something important," she continued, deftly uncorking the champagne and filling our glasses one by one as she moved among us on the sand.

Returning to her spot, Momo poured herself a generous amount of champagne, her demeanor visibly tense.

I watched her closely as she took a deep breath, lifting the glass high.

Then, in a moment that seemed to suspend time, she uttered those two words: "I'm pregnant."

There was silence.

We all just sat there as we tried to process the weight of her revelation. Even I could only stare, my mouth hanging open in disbelief at the sudden announcement.

Jungkook, the first to recover, broke the silence. "Wait, you're pregnant, how?" He voiced the question I had been wanting to ask. "And who's the father? Where is he?"

"The guy who was always with me in the photos I kept sending to our group chat," Momo muttered, avoiding our gazes as she drank the champagne in a single gulp.

Hoseok sputtered, "Yah, that guy's your boyfriend? I thought he was just your manager!"

"Not a boyfriend," Momo clarified, her voice tight. "He never wanted to admit we were even dating." A bitter laugh escaped her lips. "Turns out, there was a reason for that... he's married."

Mina, her face etched with concern as she leaned forward. "I always thought there was something off about him. Did he know you're pregnant?"

Momo shook her head. "No, that's why I left Japan. I couldn't stay there any longer, facing that bastard every day." Her voice trembled slightly, but she firmed it, determined not to break.

"Let's not talk about him anymore," she said, her voice gaining strength. "He doesn't deserve the space in our conversation. What matters is this ― I have you guys, right?" She looked around us, her eyes searching each face for understanding and support.

Mina reached out and squeezed Momo's hand tightly, offering a reassuring smile. "You know we're here for you, Momo," she whispered softly. "Always."

I added my hand on top of theirs, offering my own silent support with a gentle smile. Momo returned the smile, gratitude evident in her eyes.

"I'll be a great uncle, of course!" Hoseok announced, his usual joyful demeanor returning.

"Me, too," Jimin chimed in, his kind smile offering Momo genuine warmth. "You can trust me to be the best uncle ever."

Jimin swung his arm around Mina's shoulder, pulling her close. A new light sparkled in his eyes as he added, "Actually," he revealed with a hint of excitement, "we're planning to start our own family soon. We finally feel ready to take that step."

Mina leaned into him, a look of pure joy washing over her features, and I couldn't help but smile just by looking at them.

"It'll be amazing," Momo said, her voice filled with excitement. "Imagine, our babies growing up together as playmates..."

Just as she trailed off into a sweet daydream, a deep voice shattered the moment.

"Everyone around me seems to be getting pregnant lately. Is this a fertility season or something?"

He probably meant to mutter it to himself, but it came out loud and clear.

It fell silent, and everyone stared at him. His eyes widened in shock as he realized everyone had heard him.

"What in the world are you talking about, Jungkook?" Hoseok asked.

"Who else is pregnant?" Jimin demanded. Then, a realization seemed to dawn on his face. His eyes narrowed at Jungkook. "Wait a minute. Don't tell me..." he started, his voice rising. "You got Rosé pregnant?"

"What? Rosé?" Momo exclaimed.

All eyes were fixed on Jungkook, who sat frozen in the spotlight, his cheeks burning a shade of crimson as he fumbled for words, his defense sputtering out in a helpless pout, "S-she is, but I'm not the father!"

Their suspicious glares bore into him, while I just watched, curious to see how he would explain himself.

Who is Rosé? His girlfriend?

For a fleeting moment, Jungkook's eyes met mine. A strange emotion flickered across them before he plastered a desperate smile on his face. "Guys, I'm serious, it's not me!" he pleaded, his eyes wide with worry. "Rosé said it was some other guy, I swear on everything!"

Jimin wasn't convinced. "How can you be so sure?" he pressed.

Their interrogation continued, questions kept being fired at Jungkook as he answered them all in nervous stutters, while I just remained a silent observer, curious about what would happen next.

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