chapter 30.

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Sana's POV

"It was you."

I knew, without a doubt, who it was at the Hangang bridge. The one who yanked me back from the edge ― it had to be him.

The grim reaper guy with the silver lip ring. How could I have missed the ring?

"At the Hangang Bridge," I stammered before I could stop myself as I stared into the flames flickering between us, their reflection dancing in his eyes. "It was you. You pulled me back from the edge."

The memories flooded back, the despair I had felt that night when I had been so consumed by the thought that ending my life was the only way out. 

And in the dark alley, where I encountered the creep who tried to harrass me and the hooded stranger who saved me. It was also him.

It was his voice, the one that asked me to call the cops that night.

It was Jungkook all along.

"And the dark alley... that was you too, wasn't it? You saved me from that guy..."

The realization hit me all at once as his eyes bore into mine. 

"How...?" My voice could barely spill the right words out. "You were always there to save me..." The thought left me with a whirlwind of questions, my mind racing with confusion.

How was it possible that Jungkook had been there to rescue me multiple times? But whatever the answer was, he still saved me.

"What happened?" Momo asked slowly. She placed a hand on my shoulder, but I barely registered her touch. My gaze remained fixed on Jungkook.

"Thank you," I managed to say, struggling to push past the lump forming in my throat. "Thank you for everything."

It was more than just gratitude I felt. It was a tidal wave of emotions.

Maybe it was the alcohol clouding my thoughts. I hadn't been keeping count of how many glasses I'd had.

Whatever the reason, in that moment, none of it mattered.

"I owe you so much. Honestly," I confessed, "I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you. Maybe...maybe I wouldn't even be alive."

Just the thought of it sent a wave of tears cascading down my cheeks.

I never even imagined a life like this was possible.

"I never thought I'd get to see my family again, or that I still had friends who cared. I honestly never wanted to find joy in just being alive before you found me. But now..." I paused, taking a shaky breath.

"Now I want to keep living."

Frustration and guilt crashed over me as I struggled to grasp the memories that were just out of reach. No matter how desperately I tried to take them back, they remained distant, slipping through my fingers like grains of sand.

It felt like chasing ghosts, knowing that those precious moments were lost to me forever.

"To all of you..." I trailed off, my gaze moving from one person to another, until it settled on Jungkook. "I'm sorry if I hurt you when I left, even though I can't remember how. But―"

A sharp voice cut me off. "Stop," Jungkook said.

"Don't apologize for something you don't remember. There's no point in saying sorry if you don't even know what you did."

The usual warmth in his eyes was gone, replaced by a coldness that sent shivers down my spine. They were like chips of ice reflecting the moonlight.

I watched him stand up abruptly. "Stop saying empty words," he said firmly, looking straight into my eyes with his cold glare, before he turned away from the fire and walked off into the darkness.

"Jungkook," Jimin called out, moving to follow him as he left.

Confused and lost in thought, I found myself simply staring into the empty space where Jungkook had been.

I didn't know what else to do or think.

All I could feel was Momo's comforting arm around my shoulder and Mina's gentle hand wiping away the tears from my eyes.

Moments ticked by, filled only by the crackling fire and the distant sound of the waves.

Then, the roar of an engine starting pierced the silence, followed by the crunching of gravel on pavement.

Jimin returned alone, his expression somber. "He left," he said simply, delivering the news to the rest of us.

I never thought him leaving would leave such a gaping hole in my chest.

His words made me realize I wanted to see him again, to get to know him once more.

I wanted to fix what I'd broken, even if I wouldn't be able to remember.

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