chapter 31.

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Sana's POV

It had been over a month since I got here, and Momo had been such a great friend to me. Ever since I first moved to Busan, I felt completely lost. I left my aunt's house without even thinking where else I would go. But thankfully, Momo found me. She welcomed me into her home, helped me adjust to my new life in Busan, and even introduced me to our old friends. 

I actually felt awful that I hadn't been able to do anything for her in return, so I really wanted to do something nice for her to show how much I appreciated everything.

Since Momo came back from Japan, every piece of furniture in her house remained covered in dust. So, I decided to give her house a thorough cleaning as a thank you.

This morning, I stayed behind while Momo was on her morning jog so I could finish all the cleaning and surprise her when she came back.

I grabbed a dust cloth and went to work, carefully wiping down every single piece of furniture until it shone. Then I got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed the floors. I didn't stop until I'd cleaned every corner and crevice, making sure the whole house sparkled just like it used to.

With the house all fresh and tidy, I snuck into the kitchen to prepare a breakfast for us.

Just as I had finished, I heard the front door open.

"What's that amazing smell?" she said as she walked into the kitchen. Her eyes widened as she saw me at the stove. "Oh, you're making breakfast?" she asked, surprised.

"Just a little thank you," I replied.

As we set the table together, Momo stopped and looked closer at the centerpiece. She brushed her finger across a vase and then held it up for a closer look. "Did you clean?" she asked, her smile getting bigger.

Momo glanced around the room, taking in the sparkling surfaces. "Wow, Sana," she breathed, clearly impressed. She looked back at me with her bright, wide eyes.

"What's gotten into you?" she exclaimed as we sat down at the table.

"I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate everything you've done for me," I replied. "You've taken such good care of me for a long while now, and I really wanted to do something special."

Momo set her spoon down and met my gaze. "Sana," she said softly, "you don't have to thank me like this. You're my best friend. That's what friends do for each other." She reached over and squeezed my hand gently.

The clink of her spoon against the bowl filled the comfortable silence that settled between us as we ate. Suddenly, Momo's phone buzzed on the table. She picked it up, a bright smile spreading across her face as she read the message.

"Mina's coming over later!" she announced, a grin spreading across her face.

Mina arrived a few hours later. We all decided to head to the beach behind the house. The warm afternoon sun cast long shadows as we walked, the rhythmic crunch of sand beneath our feet providing a comforting backdrop to our conversation.

Reaching the shore, we sunk our toes into the cool, soft sand, the gentle waves lapping at our ankles. I couldn't help but be captivated by the serene beauty of the horizon stretching out before us. It was a vast canvas of shimmering turquoise fading to a deep, inky blue.

Inhaling deeply, I savored the salty tang of the sea air, allowing it to soothe the ache in my muscles from all the cleaning I did this morning.

The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was a soothing melody to my ears, lulling me into a state of peace.

Mina's voice, soft as the lapping waves, asked, "How are you doing, Sana?"

Being with Momo and Mina made me feel like I could really open up and share my thoughts. Even though I hadn't known them for long, I felt comfortable spending time with them. They made me feel safe and understood.

"To be honest," I began. "I just can't stop thinking about what happened at the reunion. It's been on my mind ever since. I really want to make things right, but I don't know what to do. I want to make it up to all of you, to apologize, to make things right even though I don't know where I went wrong," I trailed off, letting out a sigh.

I knew I did something wrong. I knew I messed up. Jimin's words hinted at it, and Jungkook saying those things before he just left told me that I hurt him, that I hurt all of them.

 "Especially to Jungkook. I feel like I owe him the most."

It was quiet for a while, and the comfortable silence made me feel brave enough to ask something I'd always wondered.  "Do you two know how Jungkook and I broke up?"

It was the first time I'd ever built up the courage to ask. 

"Honestly, all we know is that you sent him an email. You said you were already with someone new, your Eol. It just didn't seem like you to break up over email; you two always talked about everything... But then we remembered you blocked Jungkook on his every social, so that explained it," Momo replied. 

Mina chimed in, "At first, we really couldn't believe it. But when Jungkook explained how close you'd become with Eol, we just had to accept it."

"What did I say in the email?" I questioned.

"We're not sure, actually. Jungkook never showed it to us," Momo frowned.

All the things they told me pointed to one thing.

"So... does that mean I cheated?"

Their silence confirmed it.

How could I do something like that to Jungkook? He'd always been so good to me. Even now, thinking about it made my stomach twist.

After everything that happened, here I was, coming back into their lives like nothing happened. I was filled with shame and guilt.

"Jungkook was right. My sorrys were just empty words if I couldn't remember what I did."

I found myself curling up, tears streaming down my cheeks. I suddenly felt Mina's gentle hand rubbing my back, moving in small, comforting circles.

I don't deserve them.

Momo squeezed my shoulder gently. "Hey, it's okay, Sana. We all make mistakes, you know? Besides, Jungkook seemed like he'd already forgiven you. He was obviously just a little drunk that night, that's all."

My voice barely rose above a whisper as I tried to choke out the words, "I want to talk to Jungkook."

Mina leaned closer, her voice soft and calming. "If that'll make you feel better, Sana."

"I don't even know how," I mumbled, defeated. "Where can I find him?"

Momo turned to face me, "Just call him. It will take forever before Jungkook replies to messages. Do you have his number?"

"No, I... I don't have a phone."

Momo's eyes widened comically. "No phone? Seriously?!" she exclaimed, swiveling her gaze towards Mina in disbelief.

Then, in a dramatic flourish, she flung herself backwards, landing flat on the sand with a soft thud. "Sana," she continued, "You came all this way from Seoul without a phone? You sound like you had lived in some remote mountain monastery with a bunch of monks."

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