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They reached home, still Taehyung dint let out a single word. This is making jungkook really sad.

Jungkook dint wanna disturb Taehyung so he went straight to the bathroom and wanted to take a cold shower.

Why did I do that?
I'm such an idiot
What the fuck was I even thinking
Now he clearly hates me
Taehyung I'm sorry.

Jungkook you!! *sigh*

Jungkook came out after a quick shower, to be honest, he had no intention to shower at first but he just did.

He changed into a comfy black tee and a grey sweatpant and came out of the bathroom quick.

Taehyung was wearing a white vest and a pink trousers, sitting on the kitchen counter, drinking milk.

"Hyung" Jungkook started making his way to Taehyung, looking down.

"Hyung I'm sorry..." jungkook apologised, standing near Taehyung. "Why are you apologising?" Taehyung asked confused, getting off the kitchen counter, keeping the milk aside.

"I'm sorry I pulled you by accident, I did not realise what I was doing..." jungkook apologised.

"What are you talking about?" Taehyung was still confused. "About what I did at the café" Jungkook clarified. "Wait- Was I acting like shit?! Was I acting rude?! I'm sorry!!" Taehyung apologised.

"What?" Now jungkook is confused. "Wait this is confusing-" Taehyung let out. "So you were not mad at me this whole time?" Jungkook asked. "No! Why would I?" Taehyung replied.

"What are you even talking about kook, I still couldn't understand." Taehyung let out. "I thought you were mad at me this whole time because I pulled you by... your waist..." jungkook hesitated and blushed a little. "No why would I be mad at you? You never did anything wrong." Taehyung reassured. "So you are not mad at me?" Jungkook asked worrying. "No silly I was never mad at you..." Taehyung muttered.


"Jungkook, stay away!" his mom cried out.

He could still hear the echo of his mother's voice, calling out in distress.

He stumbled into the dark hallway, searching frantically for her, only to find himself standing in the shadow of his father.

"No, Dad, please!" Jungkook pleaded, his voice choked with fear.

His father's cold laughter cut through the silence. "She's mine to deal with," he sneered.

Jungkook's heart raced as he watched in horror, unable to move. The scene played out before him like a nightmare come to life.

"Mom!" Jungkook screamed, his voice cracking with desperation.

But his mother lay still, her life slipping away, and Jungkook felt a surge of helplessness overwhelm him. The darkness closed in, suffocating him with dread, until he jolted awake.

The words of his mother echoed in his ears. He felt scared.

He quick ran to Taehyung's room. "H-hyung?" He stuttered knocking on the door. He felt regret because of disturbing Taehyung while he's asleep.

"Hyung??" Jungkook's voice cracked as a tears escaped which he was holding for long, knocking the door.

"Hyung, I'm sorry please open the door" he cried, tears falling out. Taehyung opened the door rubbing his eyes, he witnessed jungkook, he was shocked seeing Jungkook cry.

He knows what the problem with Jungkook, he quickly hugs him and says "Jungkook you're not anywhere, I'm here, shh it's okay..." Taehyung whispered, comforting. "Hyung I'm sorry for waking you up..." he said crying while hugging him. "No no don't be, please, you are safe..." Taehyung comforting him.

"Come I'll sleep with you" Taehyung muttered. "T-thanks hyung.... a lot..." jungkook stuttered a bit.

They both slept hugging eachother. Jungkook burying his head on Taehyung's chest hugging him, still crying under him embrace.

"Jungkook you dont deserve this, I may not know what happened to your mom. And I don't want to bring up the topic now... all I want now is you to sleep peacefully... that's what really matters." Taehyung whispered comforting.

"Hyung... thank you so much..." jungkook said crying silently.

Hyung, I love you so much hyung... you really mean a lot to me... I love you.

He thought as he looked Taehyung into his eyes, praising him in his thoughts.
He quickly hugged Taehyung tightly still leaving tears.

"Hyung..." he started. "You know you always hug me like my mom does? She always comfort me like how you do..." jungkook said. "Aww, she is a really kind mom, isn't she?" . "I love her a lot..." jungkook said as a tear escaped his eye.

"Alright kook shall we sleep now? I don't want you to think about your past..." Taehyung worried. Jungkook dint answer anything but hugged back tightly calming himself down. "It's okay don't cry... I'm here" Taehyung said calming jungkook down.

Taehyung noticed that massaging jungkook's backs makes him drift faster into sleep.

So he slowly massaged Jungkook's back. "Thanks hyung" Jungkook mumbled.

"Sleep well kookie"

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