Back Again

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"You what?!" I flinch slightly, accidentally dropping the plates into the sink as Audrey raises her voice. "Don't you have the slightest idea of how dangerous it is for a baby in a school like that?? Anything can happen" she exclaims and though I don't fully agree, I nod. "How have you even been getting there? We've had both the cars every day" I stay silent for a moment, "don't tell me you did the thing" by 'the thing' she means teleporting.

"That's... unbelievable" she chuckles incredulously, "ok but in my defense, teleportation is completely safe for the baby — probably even safer than a car. I've done it with you guys plenty times" I protest. "And how do you figure that? Showing up in the middle of that academy not knowing what you're going to walk into? At least in a car you can survey the surroundings before going in! And we're adults, Natalia — it's different" she argues and I just sigh in defeat.

Billie just glances between us and I can't really tell what she thinks. She feels me staring at her and she meets my eyes with a conflicted gaze. "I don't know, bunny... I just wish you'd have told us" she sighs sadly and I nod understandingly. "I seriously can't believe this. You're so irresponsible" Audrey scoffs as she stands abruptly and starts pacing. "Ok that's a bit unfair" I mumble, "how so? You truly believe that what you did wasn't completely stupid?" she turns to me with fire in her eyes and I swallow the lump in my throat.

"It was safe. I would never put Sarah in harms way — ever. The only other alternative was leaving her with Fiona, which I don't think you would've liked very much either" I point out. "Or — and please hear me out. You could've not went at all! I don't want that woman around my child. For all I know you two could've been cuddled up with Sarah between you" she thinks aloud and bite my lip to hold my tongue, her words stinging.

"I'm sure Natalia wouldn't do that, Audrey" Billie speaks up, "of course I wouldn't. She asked to hold her and I told her no, specifically because I knew you wouldn't like it" I add but it doesn't seem to ease Audrey's nerves at all. "You just... you don't understand" she mumbles, "because of my age?" I whisper sadly and it's more of a statement than a question. At the beginning she said she didn't care about that but now I'm all of a sudden irresponsible and naive.

"It's not because of your fucking age, it's because of your actions! You've willingly put my daughter in danger — not that you can even admit it — all because you wanna go play house with your ex?!" she screams and I blink a few times as I fight past the triggers to process what she's said. "Your daughter... ok, that's cool. Well your daughter is up there sleeping right now, so maybe you'd like to keep your voice down" I quip and she huffs in frustration.

"And I'm not 'playing house' she's sick for christs sake and I'm the only one that can actually run the academy with her not even being able to get out of bed most mornings" I explain, "so all of a sudden it's your responsibility to take care of her AND her mother? Glad that you care for her so much. I bet she's lucky to have someone like you!" I know she's only saying these things because she's upset, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

"Girls... do you even hear yourselves?" Billie intervenes, now that she can get a word in. "I sure do. She clearly thinks I'm an irresponsible kid that doesn't know what they're doing and that I don't even deserve to be Sarah's mother anymore. It's good to know how you really feel, Aud" I mumble. "Is there a problem?" I turn to see Fiona standing in the threshold to the open concept kitchen/dining room and I shake my head. "Nope. Let's go" I sniff harshly and wipe my face from the tears that escaped my eyes.

Third person pov
You leave the room with Fiona, telling her to grab her already packed bag. You were going to take her to the academy with you tomorrow but it seems the plans have changed as you pack your own bag as well. In the dining room, Audrey has sat back down next to Billie and she grumbles as she shakes her head. "You didn't have to be so hard on her, Aud" Billie sighs, "you're saying I overreacted? She needs to understand the magnitude of what she did. There are consequences to every action" Audrey argues.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 24 ⏰

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