5. Akshita, The Oscar-Winning Actress

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Hello, Lovelies! [I had to keep this photo in the title 😂🤣]

This is my second update today!

I will try my best to update as much as I can today and tomorrow because I'll be busy till the weekend :(

Even on the weekends, I will be out so idk if I'll be able to update...

Just side info you can skip it: I will update more at the start of the months more than the endings due to my work patterns. The first week is great the 2nd week the updates are meh. So yeah, please support the book as I would like to be motivated to update after the month's end!

Anyway, back to the story! <3


Author's POV

Her heart talked to her soul. 'Akshita! Why did you just say those things to him? You never talk about your past, or that place, then why, why did you say that? Oh, no- Akshu! Are you falling for him?'

Her feet stuck to the ground. He walked 2 steps ahead, but then stopped, looking back at her. "Akshita ji?"

The voice brought her out of her dilemma. "Huh?" he chuckles at her confused face, which he finds extremely cute, his hand itching to pull her cheeks. 

He tried to suppress the smile threatening to form on his face, biting his lower lip, his head lowering, but it was of no use as the chuckles escaped his mouth.

"You are a lost puppy indeed, Akshita ji," He says, bending down to her eye level.

She broke the eye contact and started walking. He followed, shaking his head. 

There was no way of getting out of this now. 

He was down badly for her, and as Abhi said to him earlier this morning, he was searching for a varmala to make her his and keep his little puppy hidden in his pocket, away from the world.

Akshita's crisis continued, 'Why did I (I- her heart)fly out of your chest just now? AKSHITA JI? Just 2 words from him and this is how you react? My god Akshu, you really are falling for him-' her heart started again, 'I AM NOT!' the logical side of her, her brain argued.

This was the way Akshita would make important decisions. Her soul was the judge and her heart and her brain were the lawyers fighting their cases.

"You ARE Akshu!" Her heart continued in a teasing tone, "Denial is a river in Egyppttt" Her heart sang teasingly at her soul and she bit her lip to avoid the smile dancing on her lips, to be noticed. 


They soon reached the highway. Akshita called Trishna and asked her where she was and it turned out that she was 10 mins away. 

Ekansh was happy and Akshita was nervous.

Ekansh was unaware of his feelings being a love-sick simp whereas Akshita was a bit more aware and had acknowledged that she may have feelings for him. But that was still being processed in the court of her soul.

They were standing on the footpath of the highway. The beautiful pink flowering trees behind them provided them shade as they stood waiting. "10 minutes huh?" He asked, trying to start up a conversation. Keyword: Trying.

"Umhm," she replied, crushing his hopes of hearing her voice again.

"Tohh, who is Trishna?" He asked, desperate to hear her voice. "Oh, she's my da- Jashith Fufa's niece, my cousin considering far relations. She's coming back for the first time after she got married, that's why we are all so excited if that's what you're wondering." he nods, not missing the stutter on Jashith's name.

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