• Legolas and Arwen's mischief •

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In this story Arwen appear to be around ~8-10yo


Today in the woodland realm, the young daughter of Elrond, Arwen was soon to arrive with two of Rivendell guards who accompanied her

Arwen and Legolas haven't seen each other for a while, and both were missing each other a lot

Both of them were asking to see each other, so their parents finally find a way for them to see each other and agreed that Arwen will come to the woodland realm and stayed there for two days

The twins wanted to come too but they were too busy with other things, but they promissed in a letter they wrote to Legolas, that i soon as they can they'll invited him in Rivendell or they'll come to the woodland realm if his father will be okay with it

Legolas was a bit dissapointed that the twins Elladan and Elrohir couldn't come, but he was really excited for the upcoming his friend Arwen

Legolas was at the entry of the kingdom when he started to see far away, Arwen and two guards with her coming towards the kingdom on their horses

"Ada! i see them! They'll be here soon!" Said Legolas to his father who was coming to him, to wait for the guests arrived too

After some more minutes, finally Arwen and the two guards approached the entry of the kingdom

Legolas and Thranduil saluted them and Thranduil tell one of his guard to get the horses and put them in the stable

"Mae govannen!" Respectefully bowed Arwen to Tranduil

"Legolas was really excited for you coming Arwen " Said Thranduil to the young elf

"Mae govannen Arwen! How was you ride to our kingdom?" Ask Legolas

"Everything happened well, we thankfully haven't met any orcs on the road" Replied Arwen

"I'm glad to hear that! I already sent a messenger to Rivendell to tell off of your arrived" Said Thranduil kindly

"Hannon-le!" Said Arwen

"Ada? Can I show Arwen around please, it's been a while since she's been here" Asked Legolas to his father

"Of course ion-nin, don't forget to show her the beautiful garden you love taking care of with the other elves" Replied Thranduil, smiling at the two young elves

"Oh yes! Would you want to start with the garden Arwen? I'm sure you will love it!" Said Legolas with excitement

"It will be my pleasure! In rivendell me and my brothers also love to take care of the garden, i'll be happy to see how yours look like, even if i'm sure it's beautiful" Replied Arwen happily

"Alright then, have fun penneth!" Said Thranduil and then he leaved them alone

"Come on Mellon nîn! Follow me, i'll show you the way!" Said Legolas

Then the young Arwen followed Legolas to the garden

When they arrived, Arwen was amazed by the beauty of the flowers and young fruit trees

"What do you think?" Asked Legolas

"It's amazing! It's so pretty!" Said Arwen, moving closer to the flowers to admire their beauty closely

"I'm glad you love it then!"

"Do you want some of the flowers?" Asked Legolas cause he notice than Arwen really seem to love them

"Oh no it's okay, don't worry, you don't have to cut them just for me" Replied Arwen

Then Legolas came closer to the flowers Arwen was looking and he kneeled down to pick up a couple of flowers and offered them to Arwen

"It's a gift, keep them, I know you love them!" Said Legolas handing the flowers in his hands to Arwen

"Hannon-le mellon nîn!" Said Arwen carefully taking the flowers Legolas was offering to her

"Come on, let's go inside and maybe we can find a vase to put your flowers in" Said Legolas guiding the way

When they come inside, they asked to one of the elves if he knew where they could find a empty vase, and the elf kindly find one for them and give it to them

Then Legolas filled the vase with water and Arwen put the fresh flowers in it

"Where do i put it now?" Asked Arwen

"Oh i guess you can let them on the table for the moment" Said Legolas

After a few time visiting the kingdom, Arwen and Legolas started to get a bit bored

And Legolas suddenly had an idea

"Would you like to see the armoury?" Asked Legolas

"I would love to but are you sure we can?" Asked Arwen

"You're right my ada doesn't normally allow me to go their without a permission or a specific reason, but i guess that if it's just to show you, i guess we can" Said Legolas

"Cool then, what are we waiting for!" Said Arwen

Then both Arwen and Legolas arrived at the armoury, were they were different kind of things like armours,weapons like bows, swords and daggers...

"Legolas!" I challenge you on a dual" Said Arwen confidently lifting one of the swords

At first Legolas wasn't sure if that was a good idea but he wanted to have fun too, so he also take one of the swords in his hand

Both Legolas and Arwen then started the fight while still being careful not to injured each other cause that wasn't the goal of it

They were having so much fun, when suddenly they heard Legolas's dad coming toward the armoury

Thranduil wanted to check on them to see what they were doing but he couln't find them, and he knew that the only place he haven't check in the kingdom was the armoury

So he came to see if they were here, even if Legolas knew he wasn't allow to come here

When Legolas heard his father coming he got scared and immediately take the sword he had and the one Arwen had and rushed to put them back in place

Thranduil was now too close to the armoury for Legolas and Arwen to had a chance to escaped

Then Legolas took Arwen's hand and they both hid in a cupboard where the daggers were kept, and both held their breath to make as little noise as possible

When Thranduil opened the door of the armoury, he notice that the cupboard where Legolas and Arwen was hiding wasn't completely closed, so he immediately knew they were there

"Legolas...Arwen...I know you are here, get out of here now" Said Thranduil coming closer to the cupboard

Then Thranduil opened the cupboard and revealed the hiding place of the two young elves

"Get out of here now! You're gonna hurt yourself with the daggers, what kind of idea was to do this" Said Thranduil

"We're sorry..." Said Legolas and Arwen

Then Arwen was the first one to get out of the cupboard with the help of Thranduil so that she won't accidentally get hurt

After Arwen came out, Legolas started to come out slowly, and Thranduil placed his hand on Legolas' arm just before he could accidentally get a cut from a dagger which was on the side

"Careful Legolas... I told you many time that the armory was not a place to play around" Said Thranduil helping his son to get out safely

When Legolas got out of the cupboard, Thranduil closed it and told Legolas and Arwen to came back inside with him

Back inside, in the living room, Thranduil tell Legolas and Arwen to sit down on the couch

Then Thranduil explained to both the young elves how dangerous it is to play in the armoury and that it's wasn't safe to do what they have done

And the two elves understood it and both apologized for not respecting the rules

Then Thranduil proposed to them to go safely on a ride with him in the forest instead, and they both happily accept the proposition

And the rest of the day passed peacefully and Legolas and Arwen enjoyed it really much

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