Kamen Ride V: Double Trouble Delta

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Kamen Ride V: Double Trouble Delta

The sound of mechanical keys can be head being hit in quick succession as the smell of black coffee emerges in the area of the Narumi Agency. Hard (Half) Boiled Detective, Hidari Shotaro, sips his daily cup of black coffee smiling as he continues to type away his latest case report.

"Case File Number 38...
Missing Animal Case Number 38...
10:00 AM.
Customer arrived at Agency to file---"

A loud crash shakes Shotaro from his thoughts as he returns to reality, shaking his head. The sound of sirens echoing loudly as Shotaro looks at Phillip who sat upright from lying down on his bed. Phillip nods at Shotaro as he runs to the secret room in the agency, safely closing the door. Phillip looks to his Fedora Rack, picking up a white Fedora. He runs his fingers around the fedora as he places it on, smirking to himself as he eyes himself in the mirror. Smiling, he practices some hard-boiled poses before attempting to adjust the fedora to get his look just right. As Shotaro turned to open the door, a blast went through the door barely missing Shotaro as he falls back off-balance.

"SPD. Open up!"

Shotaro sighs.

"It's Decade's fault...Isn't it?"

The SPD officers busted into the room finding Shotaro all alone with his hands rose in the air.


Tsukasa sneezes. "Why do I have the feeling that someone mentioned my name?" Tsukasa thought to himself. Tsukasa sighs as he takes the Machine Decader and rides to the agency only to find that the members of the SPD force had already entered the compound.

"Usually, it takes tons of building up and terror before I meet one of the dark A.R. Rangers."

Tsukasa demounts, walking to the door before pausing.

"I wonder if Shotaro went over the speed limit while on his Hardboileder." Tsukasa shrugs, kicking the door open as Tsukasa walks into a dimension barrier. As he emerges from it, he finds himself in front of Hidari Shotaro.

"Ah. Tsuka---What are you wearing?! You look hardboiled!"

The SPD Officers aim their weapon at Shotaro and Tsukasa, waiting for orders.

"What do you mean what am I---?"

Tsukasa looks down, finding that he was wearing a black vest, a magenta dress shirt, and a fedora which seemed to be way magenta to look normal. "The dimension barrier...Great. Now I look like Hidari. I look ridiculous.", Tsukasa told himself.

"Just get on with it." Tsukasa pulls out Kamen Ride card as one of the officers suddenly turned to the others.

"Evacuate! B-Squad Strike Team on the way!" The officers run out as a loud helicopter could be heard. Within moments, five figures crash through the roof holding out a Cellphone like object titled "SPD".

"Hidari. Henshin."
"Don't tell me what to do Tsukasa!"
"You take forever for your henshin to finish!"

{KAMEN RIDE:...Decade!}

Tsukasa transforms into Decade as Shotaro pulls out a black USB.


The strike team takes out their fire arm as they fire at once, Shotaro vaulting over his table hiding under it.

"Some help here?"
"Just hurry up!"

The Strike Team holds up their SPD Cells as they activate it.

"SPD! Emergency!"

Sirens flail as the Strike Team transforms into SPD Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Pink as Shotaro finally hits the USB.

Kamen Rider Decade and the Dark Rangers.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon