Kamen Ride VI

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Kamen Ride: Chapter 6

~"I must defeat the other Rangers to end the corruption. Unfortunately, that means war. I must become the Destroyer of Worlds once again it seems. So be it..." ~

Tsukasa Kadoya was focused on the realization he made in the world of Double. Tsukasa punched the wall nearest to him.

"I have to be the bad guy. Damn it. It has to be done."

Tsukasa stormed out of the photo shop in a very foul mood. While Tsukasa never personally meant the Dino Charge Rangers, he had fought alongside the Kyoryugers alongside a vast number of Riders and Sentai. While the Rangers aren't the Sentai, the suits the Ranger bore heavily reminded Tsukasa of their respective Sentai. Tsukasa sighed. A dimension barrier opened before him, Tsukasa being rushed with memories as well as information as to where he was.

"This...Is my world. The Dino Charge Rangers are in my dimension. I guess I need to defeat the Dino Charge Rangers to safely save both my dimensions and theirs. It's the only way this works."

Tsukasa sighed, walking into a coffee shop. There, he found a teenager with an accent and skateboard.

"Can I help your sir?"

Tsukasa nodded to the cashier over the counter.

"Yes. Tell me everything you know about the Power Rangers."
"Well. Um. They've saved this city several times."

"But this isn't their world. I believe that this dimension isn't my dimension fused with the one of the Dino Charge Rangers. Nor is it the Dino Charge Rangers' having their dimension being fused with mine. No. This is a separate dimension all together with both dimensions creating a new one. I need to find nee-san." Tsukasa thought to himself.

Tsukasa turned around seeing the teenager skate off in a hurry. Tsukasa stared at the table, finding the food the teenager ordered barely eaten. Tsukasa thought back, more memory piecing itself together in his brain.

"Sou ka. He's Chase. The Black Dino Charge Ranger. I'm not too sure what my goal here is. I don't wish to act unless I have reason to. I'm still a Kamen Rider of justice, even if I'm hunting Dark Rangers. So far, it doesn't seem this timeline was corrupted. I somehow doubt it was my doppelganger to begin with. Even so..."

Tsukasa stared at the door, unsure of what he needed to do and even less sure of what he wanted to do. He decided to exit the door when the ground began to shake.

"What is it?"

Tsukasa heard a primal roar as the shaking increased. From the distance, Tsukasa could make out a dinosaur like figure running throughout the city and to his disgust, eat humans. Tsukasa could also make out four smaller creatures running after the bigger creature. It was almost as if the giant one was leading the smaller four.

"A tyrannosaurus-rex and velociraptors running amid in the city. Now I know what I'm supposed to do in this dimension. Henshin!"

Tsukasa started running toward the scene of conflict as the civilians began to run away from it.

{Kamen Ride: DECADE!}

Tsukasa transformed into the Masked Rider Decade and stared around at the chaos. The Tyrannosaurs was only approaching faster and the pack of Raptors trailing behind it. If I don't take down the threat now, more innocents will get hurt. Where are the Power Rangers anyway? This seems to be like a problem that they should handle.

Decade ran towards the dinosaur, taking out a fresh card.

{Kamen Ride: OOO! Ta-To-Ba-Anything-Goes-Ta-To-Ba!}

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