Kamen Ride: Chapter 3

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~Chapter 3: Kamen Ride:

Tsukasa stares at his A.R self with great distaste.

"You…You call yourself a…Kamen…Rider?"

The Dark Tsukasa smirks.

"I don't call myself a Rider at all. I am the Destroyer of All. I am the Destroyer of Worlds. I am the true Decade. You…you are just a pathetic version of me."

Tsukasa holds up his Decade card, holding it directly in the face of his dark A.R. self.

"Henshin." {Kamen Ride: Decade.}

As Tsukasa henshins into his rider form, his AR self returns his favor. He takes out his card, henshinning as well.

"Henshin…." {Kamen Ride: Destroyer of Worlds, Dark DECADE.}

The two cards collide as they transform, Magenta Decade fully transforming first as Dark Decade henshins into Violent Emotion. Magenta walks around his opponent as he fully henshins. First, there was silence, Dark Decade only staring at Magenta as he began to plan out his strategy. Then with a click of the Decadriver, Magenta Decade rushes Dark Decade, slashing at him with precise shot with the Ridebooker. With each slash, Dark Decade only laughed as he swipes at him with enough power to send Magenta Decade flying backwards. Tsukasa's eyes widened in horror as he realized his counterpart had the power advantage.

"This…this isn't possible. I forgot how strong Violent Emotion was. No matter…I will win. I am the True Decade after all."

"This is the part where you ask, 'What are you?' And I have told you. I am the Destroyer of All. If you are supposed to be the main world Decade, you must be sadly mistaken. You could barely hold a candle next to me. Unfortunately for you, I'm not a passing through Kamen Rider. As said before, I am not a Kamen Rider and I am here to destroy everything."

Dark Decade calmly walked to the fallen Decade, dusting his hands off.

"Clock…Up." Dark Decade held up a card, inserting it into his Dark Decadriver.
{Attack Ride: Clock. Up…}

Dark Decade rushed quickly to Decade, upper cutting him into the air. Before Decade could even leave the ground, Dark inserted another card, splitting into two.

{Final Attack Ride: Kabuto.}

The first Dark Decade rushed to Magenta Decade, Roundhouse kicking him into the air, as the second Dark ran up to Magenta.
{Final Attack Ride: Destroy.}
A flurry of cards appeared around the upward flying Decade as they started hit him rapidly as Dark Decade jumped into the air, the cards aligning themselves as Dark Decade hit the Dimension Kick.


Decade is thrown into the air and slammed back to the ground so suddenly, the transformation is cancelled and Magenta's Decadriver is disconnected from Tsukasa's belt, bouncing towards the feet of Dark Decade. Tsukasa rolled around in massive pain as Dark Decade picked up the fallen Decadriver. Tsukasa watched in shock and utter disbelief as he tossed it into the air and slashed through it, the device exploding from impact.


Dark Decade returned to normal as he picked Tsukasa from the collar.

"I told you. I…Am the true Destroyer of Worlds. Remember that."


{Two Hours Ago}
The Ranger Timelines. They've been destroyed, completely? Tsukasa thought to himself as Narutaki appeared before him.

"Onore Dikeido…"

"What did I do this time?"

Narutaki smiled a sick smile.

Kamen Rider Decade and the Dark Rangers.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant