Kamen Ride VIII (The Finale!)

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~The following chapter was a collaboration between myself and Knight Europa over on Fan-Fiction.net. He's an epic brother of mine! Check out "Power Rangers Legacy" over on Fan-Fict! Enjoy!~

Kamen Rider Decade
Power Rangers Legacy:
Duel of Destinies.

One year had passed since the War for Crystal Harbor, the Legacy Rangers having focused on their studies for their senior year. Graduation was only a month away, and the time had flown by quickly. Jerome Johnson was sitting in the cafeteria with a few papers spread out in front of him, Jake sitting beside him with a tray that had two slices of pizza and two pieces of chocolate silk pie, giving his friend one of each.

"Thanks, man. I was so focused on these applications I forgot to buy lunch."

"Don't mention it. Any of the choices catch your eye? I was thinking Raven's Wing Academy, only thing is, I would need to make a new last name."

"Why not just do what you usually do and pick a last name from a past Ranger?"

"I don't want to do that anymore. Our fight is over, and I'd like my own name for once, a real name."

"You can always take my last name, sweetie." said a female voice behind the two men, Diane Pai standing with a text book in her hands, giggling when her boyfriend looked at her with wide eyes.

"I-uh-what?" he stuttered, trying to find the right words, Jerome letting out a chuckle. Diane sat down beside Jake and glanced over at all the papers.

"You two are really taking this College stuff seriously; glad you are putting your minds to something."

"Hey, if I'm going to become a Senator, gotta start somewhere. What about you?"

"I'm probably going to stay at the shop for a few more years, then see where it goes from there."

Zeke Simmons, Vanessa Trejo, and Spike Skullovitch soon joined them at the table, Zeke digging into a chicken pot pie while talking between bites.

"So, wacha guys think of graduating?"

"Dude, don't talk with your mouth full!" Spike said, throwing a napkin at him while Vanessa laughed, speaking up.

"Honestly, I'm nervous. Madre has talked about possibly moving back to Mexico, but I'm not sure if that's what I want."

"I'm probably going to get a job, or attempt too. Dad might be able to help with that." Spike said, trying to sneak a bite of Jerome's pie, only for Jake to reach over and smack his hand away.

Later that day after school, the groups of friends were heading to Zeke's and Diane's cars, with Vanessa and Jerome getting in Zeke's, and Jake and Spike getting in Diane's. The two had gotten their drivers licenses after the battle, carpooling together to get to and from school. Just before Zeke started his car up, Jerome's cell phone rang, he answering it with a "Jerome speaking, how may I help you?"

"Do you know how weird it is to contact you guys this way? I'm so use to using my headset." a familiar voice said on the other side of the call, Jerome signaling the others to hold up.

"TK! What have you been up too?" "You know me, keeping an eye on Crystal Harbor just in case you guys are ever needed. I've been monitoring a small energy dis-rupture near the outskirts of the city."

"Do you need us to investigate?" the former Red Ranger asked, glancing to his friends.

"No, not now at least. Just do me a favor and have Diane drop Jake off at the Garage, we'll monitor together and contact you if anything happens."

Kamen Rider Decade and the Dark Rangers.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant