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Schlatt had invited 'Lucille' to come and sit at his table until her next performance which she happily accepted, she sat in the middle of the four men and jumped straight into conversation, answering any and all questions they had. "So.. Lucille, have you ever ventured outside of here or Ahuizar? Say to.. Gavaria.. or Eldoria?" She looked to the blonde who questioned her, trying to take in his facial features as she studied his burn marks which had faded well.
"No, I can't say I have, I'd love too at some point but.. I get good work here and I manage, I'd have no need to travel." She smiled, sipping her glass of red wine which Techno.. or.. Stoughton, had ordered her. "Our board has a mission.. we're looking to take some acts on the road with us as we go on a small.. tour, I was just wondering if that would be of any interest?" Her eyes flicked to Techno who was staring at her with a look of 'this is what I was going to tell you about'
"I've never been on tour before Sir, my acts aren't really something that can be taken to some crappy stalls.. I deserve far more than that.. Anyways! Thank you for the drinks and company, I have an act to finish." She ducked her head as she smiled and stood up, sliding out of the booth and towards the changing rooms.

She entered the room as she took a deep breath, sitting down at the vanity table as she tried to brush off her nerves, what on earth did they have planned? Ignoring her thoughts she removed her robe for a moment as she wore a black lacy 3 piece underwear set, sighing softly as she glanced at herself in a long mirror, turning her head as she heard the door creek open, revealing a technoblade holding the door shut. "Look away!" She whisper-shouted at him, quickly scrambling to pick up her robe to cover herself. "It's nothing I've never seen before Ro.. get over yourself." She crossed her arms and sat down, crossing her legs, glaring at him. "How do you expect me to go back up there, knowing what I know.. I'm totally distracted." She huffed, her gaze fixed on the man. "Just don't go out there? Your next set is in.. what, 20 minutes??" She nodded, watching as he made his way towards her, standing infront and towering over her. "Just don't go.. I may have laced half the place with TNT, something to slow them down from their tour." He spoke with a slight smirk on his face, obviously quite proud of himself. "And also to give us enough time to get back to the place you're staying.. Dream's sending one of their 'men' there to ransack the place, I think he's figured you out." Her eyes went wide, sliding her shoes on. "Okay.. okay fine, let's go." She dropped her robe and quickly slid her red dress on, dragging Techno by the arm out of a smoking exit she discovered, the two making their way down the street, Techno coming to a halt as he took out a match. "How big of an explosion are we talking?" She looked to him, raising a brow as he lit the match, dropping it by what looks like a trail of gasoline, the two watching as the fire travelled and the building infront of them going up in flames, the glass windows exploding. Technoblade looked at the woman next to him and nodded, taking hold of her hand as she led the way to her temporary home.

It wasn't a long walk so they soon arrived at her place, happy to see no locks or windows broken, meaning her house was safe.. "thank gods.." she let out a breath as she pulled her keys out of a small purse she had, opening the door to her house, switching the lights on. "It's nowhere near as nice as a castle, but it's okay.. I have a bed to sleep and that's all I care about." She chuckled softly, slipping her heels, leaving her mask on for the time being as she heard the door shut behind her. "So what do we do now? Do we go home..? Tell Phil what we know or?" She questioned, thinking out loud as she leaned against a sofa, facing away from Technoblade as she took her jewellery off. "Tomorrow we go home.. tonight? We spend some time together.." she felt a pair of hands land on her hips, one hand trailing up her front and landing on her neck, tilting her head back slightly. "If that's okay with you of course.." his voice low, his breath hitting her ear as she felt a shudder shoot up her spine. "Yes.. yeah.. that's fine.." she breathed out, not daring to speak above a whisper..

( sorry this is short, smut next chapter, can be skipped )

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