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The two walked to the stables together and untacked, Techno taking their horses to the paddock as the woman watched, unbraiding her hair. "You know, you'd make a really good farmer." She spoke, watching as Techno turned to her with a confused look, chuckling. "Pardon?" She laughed, shrugging her shoulders as they both began walking towards the castle, stretching her arms infront of her. "I missed my mother, I'm going to find her.. want me to find you after for our sparring session?" She watched as the pink-haired man nodded and she wandered off towards her mother's room, knocking gently on the door as she arrived. "Come in!"
She smiled at her voice and opened the door, waving to her mother who had a big smile plastered on her face. "Oh my darling.." The two were smiling while they embraced one another, her mother holding her as if she was going to fall apart if she let go, peppering kisses all over her face. "I brought you some things." She smiled, letting go of her mother while she reached to her bag, pulling out objects and showing them off, the two gossiping about what she had been up too.. her mother asking her several questions about Techno as well.

Meanwhile.. Techno had gone to see Phil who was in his office. "Knock Knock.." he spoke, poking his head around the corner, seeing Phil sat at his desk half asleep. "I've got some gifts from Rosemary." He put a bag down on the man's desk, sitting in the chair opposite him. "Thanks Techno." The older man smiled, opening up the bag as he looked at the things she'd gotten for him. "Shes a funny girl.. you know I've known her since she was little, when she first got taken in by the Queen, I used to visit her frequently because her and Wil were around the same age and they used to have play dates." The soldier listened as the king spoke, noticing the smile on his face. "She'll make a good ruler if she decides to take over.. she'd also make a good wife." The pink haired man cleared his throat, chuckling slightly. "Hmm, if you say so, a bit too aggressive to be a mother don't you think?" The king chuckled, nodding along with his words. "I never took you as the type to want children Technoblade." The man shrugged, leaning back into the seat. "If the right woman came along, I don't see why not.." The two sat in comfortable silence as Techno watched the King fiddle with the stuff he was bought, sitting for about 15 minutes before he stood up. "You don't mind if me and Rosemary use the colosseum do you? We were going to spar, if that's okay with you?" The kings eyes widened, looking over to him. "Not at all, as long as you're both happy with a crowd watching you, might be a fun thing for the city to watch.. we've been lacking entertainment." The two chucked, Technoblade nodding as he walked over to the door, smiling to the king before heading over to his room, fetching his armour.

Rosemary was still with her mother, however the two were walking to the infirmary as her mother wanted to show her something. "Where are we going? Me and Techno are meeting up soon to spar.. you should watch! It would be interesting!" She smiled, looking to her mum as they walked with their arms linked. "Okay.. just close your eyes.." she nodded and shut her eyes as her mother asked, hearing castle staff say hello to them as they passed by, hearing a door creak open followed by the sound of a child babbling. "Mum?" She questioned, slowly opening her eyes. "oh my goodness.." she looked down seeing the small baby with white skin and black and white hair. "Hi Baby.." she smiled, crouching down to its level, looking over to her mother. "Who is this?"
"We have no idea.. he showed up in the paddocks two nights ago" the smile stayed painted on her face as the baby wrapped its hand around her pinky finger. "Whats your plan with him?" Her brow quirked as she glanced back over to her mother, seeing the smile on her face. "I thought we'd hang onto him for a few days.. see if his parents arrive.." she nodded, following along. "and if they don't?" Her mother didn't answer and her smile softened, picking up the small baby. "Was he left with anything?" She was handed a small bag with a note on. "Baby Ranbir.." she smiled, ruffling the little one's hair. "I'll keep him with me, if that's okay? I miss the baby's from back home."
"Course, I knew you did.. why do you think I held onto this little one." The two women smiled at eachother, Rosemary pressing a kiss to her mother's cheek as she walked to the colosseum with the baby who was toddling ahead of her, climbing up random things in the corridor and jumping off, the woman laughing as she watched. "Well aren't you full of energy.." The little one carried on running as he ran into the armour room, falling over the small ledge at the door. "oh, pff! uh oh" she laughed, picking him up as she brushed off his knees and face, looking up at the shadow next to her.

"Uhhhh, since when did you have a child..?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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