all time.

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why am i sad?

why am i mad?

why do i want you,

so damn bad?

why am i glad?

why am i only,

only your "once had"?

i don't know.

but sometimes

i dream of you

and it makes me hate

the beautiful place

we were at 

during that week

of peaceful retreat.

when you held my body

and my heart and soul

and whispered softly

so that i'd know,

"i love you".

i think back to the rocks

and the time i lost my socks

and your face when i told you

like you died right there

with your head on my shoulder

late at night, i wanted to hold you

i don't know why i'm sad

why this pain is a part of my heart.

but your words hurt my soul

and your touch hurts, oh no;

what if.

what if we run now

run far away from this

from this life that we're trapped in

what if we run until we find peace

until we find the place we can be

just us three

like it was that day

like it was that week.

you would say i'm crazy.

but the only thing i'm crazy about is us

and i think you feel it too

would you say i do?

if i asked

to run away with you?

don't let me sit here

and keep dying

picturing our life, 

the time i've felt alive,

those days

we almost

had it all.

i sat 

your heart touching mine

staring at the water

for what i wished

was all time.

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