lost and found

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place me in the lost and found

because i can't seem to find my place

i can't seem to forget his face

i can't seem to give you space

i can't seem to try

not when everything i try ends in "goodbye".

place me in the lost and found

i am lost though you found me

and i'm not sure if i want to be

the one that's on your team.

place me in the lost and found

though my head tells me it's easy

my heart tells me it can't be

and pulls me away from everything.

place me in the lost and found

and let me be forgotten

i am the cause of 

all the bullshit they've all said.

place me in the lost and found

and don't ever try and find me

i need you to leave me

don't love me so dearly.

place me in the lost and found

and don't ever look back.

you won't like what you see

you won't like where i'm at.

place me in the lost and found

it's where i belong

how can this be so right

when i feel so wrong.

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