perfectly much.

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the moment we met

doesn't matter much to me

not because you don't mean anything

you mean too much to me

but because

i judged you too quickly

you walked in and saw him

and i thought you were weird

i thought it was only going to last

maybe a week

before i found someone new

to talk to

about stupid photos

and shitty work we had to do.

that doesn't mean much to me.

i like to think

of the week

the week i knew

you would mean everything.

when i felt it

that moment i felt it

the feeling i had never felt with anyone before

i thought i had known love

and friendship

and soulmates

i thought i did.

but then i met you

and you changed my point of view

because i felt it with you

i felt the way i was hopelessly connected to you

the way i would never be able to leave you

and i didn't know what to do

that week i realized it to be true.

i told her all about you

about this new love i had found

how big my heart grew

and she looked at me and smiled

and that was it.

that was the moment i knew

that you were

in some form

in some way

at some point

on some day

meant for me

and i, for you.

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