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this is the story

of a girl.

she was just like any other girl out there.

a hopeful daydreamer

always wishing for the perfect life.

this story doesn't end that way.

the girl gets stung

by many bees

and caught kissing boys

on trampolines

she tries her best

but never learns

the love she deserves

is not hers to earn

she wishes for more

each time she has it all

and causes herself

to cry when she falls

she scrapes her knee

and starts to bleed

so she gets a band-aid

and makes it seem

as though nothing ever happened

but one day

all of her band-aids

got ripped right off

and the blood

was gushing

and she was crying

so she started lying

lying to herself

telling herself she was okay

when she had never

ever felt this kind of pain.

but he came.

he came and said her name

and took away all of her pain

and taught her she could be loved

no matter how many demons

she hid under those band-aids

he came and held her

until she was okay.

he healed the pain

so that she wouldn't need 

anymore band-aids.

but she fell again.

and this time she didn't get up.

she just stayed there

on her knees

begging the devil

for a little mercy

but mercy was never something

she was able to receive.

so she got possessed

and became obsessed

though the boy who healed her

stayed true

she found someone with band-aids

and the same kind of pain

and she cried every time

they said her name

now she doesn't know 

if this fall was just a scrape

or if it was the end

to her praiseful name

and the start

of years and years

of un-wanted fame

for the single reason

that the one that healed her

was the one she hurt

and this time she didn't have any band-aids.

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