Cruel Summer.

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I hear the sound of someone walking up behind me, before I can even tell them to go away, thinking it's one of my brothers, I know it's her


"I can hear you sneaking up on me, lemon." I say gruffly, after a three-hour car drive. I feel her presence and once she gets close enough, I can smell her perfume. Jasmine, Sunscreen, and a hint of cedar. A very deadly scent to my nose, that shoots up to my brain and gives me loose and lucid thoughts. A smell that had caressed my brain and will forever be the death of me.

"Thats not my name." I hear her annoyingly beautiful voice say, and she stops dragging her feet towards me. 

"It is your name lemon. C-lemon-tine." I say ever so gracefully, dragging her name on my Toung to piss her off. I look next to me and see her freshly painted white toenails and then slowly look up. Looking at her ankles, I see the dolphin tattoo my overly excited brother at the time and her sister gave her. Our parents were not happy. I chuckle to myself and look back at the ocean trying to not look at her. I feel her sit down next to me.

"What's so funny? And also, its C-lemen-tine. Not lemon. There's a difference." She says with a slight grudge. I can't resist and look at her, her blonde hair hits the sun like a goddess.

"Piacere di vederti anch'io, Lemon." I say standing up, once fully stood up I look down at her. she's always been much shorter than me, but I like it. One day I'll lift her off her feet in many ways, but for now I grab her two arms gently, making sure to be careful with her, and stand her up. I start walking away,

"You were in my spot, I don't like it when you're in my spot. "She says her voice gruff fighting with the sound of the sea.

"Hm, didn't notice." I did. Every summer she comes out of the car, grabs her stuff, drops it inside and comes out here for the waves. Over the past years of our lives, I've noticed that. It makes her feel closer to her grandmother. I ignore her presence and head back towards the back gates of my house and I head to the car to grab my stuff.

I see my younger brother Rhodes, leaning on the car. I look at what he's staring at, or who he's staring at. He's staring at Lemons sister, Bailey. My feet hit the gravel and he turns his head towards me at the sound of my feet moving.

"Hey," he says to me, me and my brothers have always been close. Rhodes is his own person. More introverted than most of our family. 

"Hey, just grabbing my bags." I say reaching into the car, I hear commotion around me and turn to see Conner running towards us.

"My man! Julian! What's up, where'd you go?" He says to me, I look over his shoulder and stare at Lemon, talking to her sister Daisy. Conner looks to see what I see,

"Shit-" Conner says crouching down blushing behind a hyacinth bush. "I'm so screwed this summer," he says indicating to Daisy.

"What even happened to you guys, anyways?" Rhodes asks quietly. Daisy and Conner used to be friends. Hell, she was in love with him for the longest time. I guess that time was too short, now my brother is whipped, and she fucking hates him.

"I don't really want to talk about it." He says before, slowly making his way out of the bushes and into our house. Just as so, our parent's car is now in the driveway. 

My mom steps out of the car wearing tan sandals, white linen pants and a white blouse. Her Blonde hair beams in the sunlight. She looks absolutely beautiful as always. I drop my bags and walk over to her. 

"Hello, Mamma." I say hugging her lightly, as I hear my father step out of the car.

"Julian! How was the drive sweetheart?" My mother says to me,

"It was fine, Mamma." I say kissing her cheek, "Need me to help with anything?" I say, spotting the groceries through the car window. 

"That would be lovely." She says to me, holding flowers that I'm assuming are for her best friend. Shannon Turner, Clementines mother. "I'm going to give these to Shan! You boys, including you Enzo. Please put the groceries away." She says looking specifically at my father.

"Okay, Amore." My father says to her with a smirk on his face, as she starts sprinting away. "Okay boys, let's put this shit away before your mother comes back. We have to start on dinner soon, and you're all helping. Cause the Turners are Coming over tonight." He says, clapping his hands together once showing his excitement. 

Fuck, I forgot. Every first night in Lake Shores for the summer we all have a Lobster roast Together. I wasn't planning to see Lemon again tonight, I was going to eat dinner, take a shower and head to bed and plan on what I'd say to her tomorrow. It seems over the past few years, I've been doing that a lot. Its sure as hell going to be a cruel fucking summer, especially with her. 

But It's the only one I want.

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