Dinner's Overated Anyways.

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I'm helping unpack the car mom and Daisy came here in, as I do so I look over to see Mrs. Blake handing my mom flowers. I smile to myself, it's good to see my mom and dad have good friendships. My smile discards off my face, I don't exactly have many friends. I'm not really the friendly type. I seem to push away people more often than I should. I don't even realize it, but then I do, and it makes me grateful for my friend and only Sofia.

Weve been friends for a couple of years, she lives in Lake Shores. We only visit in the summer, i don't see her much but I'm glad when I get to.

I finish grabbing a box and head inside the house, I place the box in the kitchen and open it. There are wine glasses in it, I take them out, wash them, and leave them out for when we have to bring them over to the Blakes house. I hear the back door slide open and look over my shoulder to see Conner standing in the doorway.

"Hey, so I thought i should come over and help you bring some of the table wear over. The fancy kind, you know how my mom is." He says holding a bag of packing peanuts.

I do, our parents always and only use the fancy shit for the first and last dinner of the season. I don't get why, parents are like that, I guess.

"Okay, but we can just carry them over. I washed the wine glasses and my mom made sure to store the table wear away good so that we can just pull them out and use them."

"Ok," Conner places the packing peanuts down gently and walks towards me. "So... Is Daisy in her room?"

"Yes, Shes unpacking." I say smirking,

"Cool, cool. How are we going to carry this all?" He says changing the topic, indicating the stacks of plates, and glasses in front of us.

"I'll help." I hear a gruff voice say from behind me. I turn around and see Rhodes standing there.

"I guess I'll help too." I hear someone say from across the room as Bailey walks towards us. We all pick up some stuff and walk over to the Blakes house carefully. Once we drop the stuff off, I head back to start getting ready for dinner. I'm about to take a shower when I hear my phone go off. I choose to ignore it.


I'm in the middle of finishing cooking zucchini when Conner waltzes in.

"Fuck, I'm so stupid." He says with his face in hands,

"What happened?" I ask taking my creation off the stove.

"I went over to help with the plates, etc, blah blah blah. And my I asked about Daisy again. I was going to maybe say something to her like I don't know, 'Hey'. But I just couldn't. I'll have to talk to her later."

"Yeah," My mind instantly goes to think about Clementine. Fuck, about ten more minutes and I have to fucking face her. 

"Hey, can you put these plates outside? Dads almost done with the Lobster roast." I ask,

"Yeah, sure." Conner says in the distance but I'm already upstairs.


After I showered and changed into a white maxi dress, and some sandals I do my hair and put a little makeup on. I go downstairs to see Daisy, sitting in a light pink dress at the island.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask her grabbing two bottles of red wine from the cellar.

"I heard Conner asking about me," She spurts out.

"Yeah, you ok?"

"Sure, I can help with that." she says indicating to the wine in my hands.

"K, Thanks. And I know I'm probably not the best for this, and its none of my business of what happened between you and conner. But, if you need to talk, I'm always here, and Bailey of course." I say comforting her.

"I know that" she says smiling and fuck, it's probably the first time I've seen one on her all year. That makes me smile back.

Once we start walking over to the Blakes house I see a car pull up on the side of our driveway. I stop in my tracks once I notice Jake exiting the car. His dirty blonde hair hitting the sun at its golden peak. Jakes like the sun, always shining on people. He shined on me, but I don't need the sun. I don't need the unwanted attention. 

"Clementine!" he says running towards me, I roll my eyes and hand the wine over to Daisy indicating for her to keep walking. Me and Jake were nothing. He flirted with me all of last summer, and a couple of other girls too. I never liked him the way he liked me, I thought i was taking it for granted at first, so I kissed him. It was lousy and felt like nothing to me. I then realized It was okay to not want something everyone wanted.

"Jake, Hi." I say unamused. 

"So... I saw you were here. And was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime this week? After you're settled in of course!" He says to me, I have no idea if he was stalking me or what but i did not want to go out with him. But if I say no, he won't take the no for an answer.

"I can't." I say politely, gritting my teeth.

"Can't or Won't? There's a difference Em. And listen I like really like you baby...so-" 

"Cant." I say cutting him off. I hear heavy footsteps besides me, and the smell of cedar and red wine hits my nose. I instantly know that smell.


Jake looks up at him, "Hey man, how are yo-"

I grab onto Julians shirt and stand on my tippy toes, looking at him in the eyes quickly I don't even think, and I just kiss him.

I feel his soft lips on mine and feel sparks fly. Surprisingly he kisses me back. wait- he's kissing me back?! I stop kissing him and look into his eyes that are full of lust and disbelief. I then remember that Jakes still here. I also remember that dinner is waiting at the table, but fuck dinner. Its overrated anyways.

 I turn back to Jake.

"Cant." I say to Jake, "I have a boyfriend."

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