Chapter 19 : Doomsday

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Ningguang: Alright, that settles everything~

Ningguang said after the meeting ended. Ei then turned to (Y/N) who was sitting beside her, leaning in.

Ei: I'll just go to the restroom for a bit, love

Ei said in a whisper.

(Y/N): Oh, sure...

Ei then got up from her chair.

Ei: Excuse me...

Ei went out the office and left to go to the restroom. (Y/N) and Ningguang are now left alone together...

As Ningguang organizes her papers, (Y/N) just sat still in his chair and waited for Ei. He can't help but notice the room felt heavy, something about the atmosphere was wrong, he wasn't even speaking, he just looks around the room as if finding something to distract himself with. Ningguang noticed, she puts the papers down and crossed her legs, her gaze now on (Y/N).

Ningguang: Been a while...

(Y/N)'s breath hitched in his throat, he didn't knew why he's getting nervous all of the sudden, he tried his best composing himself.

(Y/N): Uhm...yeah, it has been...

Ningguang couldn't help but smirk, she was amused at the situation.

Ningguang: So, how you've been?

(Y/N): Fine...

Ningguang: Ah, alright then...

Silence then enveloped the room, (Y/N) looked elsewhere while Ningguang still gazed at him from across the table, (Y/N) could feel her eyes on him and on his body. After a while, Ningguang broke the silence.

Ningguang: About you and Ei, how are you two? I heard that you're living together back in Inazuma, as her secretary and...lover...

(Y/N): ...We hit it off a while ago. Everything's going well...

Ningguang: Mhm...did your family met her already?

(Y/N): Yeah...they love her...

Ningguang: I see...

Silence once filled the room again, the air in the room just gets thicker and thicker. (Y/N) decided to read over again the documents they exchanged with Ningguang to distract himself, but in the middle of reading, Ningguang got up and went to his chair, throwing the papers away he was reading. Before he could react, she pushed him back on the chair by his shoulders, she climbed on top and straddled him.

(Y/N): ...What the-

(Y/N) was cut off by Ningguang kissing him forcefully, (Y/N) tried to push her away but she tightened her grip on his shoulder and pushed him more onto the chair. She eventually pulls back but keeps her face near, still pushing him onto the chair with force so he'd stay still.

Ningguang: I know you miss me...

(Y/N): The hell?! I don't! Get off me!

(Y/N) tired pushing her back again, but it didn't worked, she just keeps pushing him back onto the chair.

Ningguang: Are you even happy with that woman? Does even she know how to make you happy? Does even she know what you like and don't? Does she even know you like I do?

Ningguang kissed him again then pulled back.

Ningguang: You're better off with me...

When (Y/N) was about to respond, he was cut off by the door creaking open...

Ei: (Y/N)...?

Ei started to tear up, Ningguang started to loosen her grip on (Y/N)'s shoulders, both of them looked at Ei.

(Y/N): Love, wait! I can explain!

Ei didn't even want an explanation, she didn't even wait for (Y/N), she started to cry then ran. (Y/N) pushed Ningguang off him and gathered their things frantically, he ran out of the room and didn't even bothered to close the door. He tried looking for Ei but she's nowhere to be found, he asked one of Ningguang's secretary that he came across.

(Y/N): Have you seen Ei?

Baishi: Oh, I think she already left, sir. She ran off crying.

(Y/N): Oh, okay, thank you, miss.

(Y/N) then ran to the exit of the Jade Chamber.

(Y/N): God, where are you...

(Y/N) mumbled to himself as he got down the Jade Chamber, he ran through the streets of Liyue, checked his house, asked locals, but he didn't find Ei anywhere. The last place he could think of where Ei could be was back at the docks, and so he went there. When he got to the docks, he found Beidou's ship already gone.

(Y/N): She must've went back already...

(Y/N) mumbled, following it with a sigh. Luckily, he saw a boat that was about to leave for Inazuma. He rushed to it and quickly paid for a seat in the boat.


When he reached Inazuma, the sun was already setting. He lets out a tired sigh as he walked to the palace, so much happened today. He was tired, nervous, worried, hungry, sad, angry, fatigued, feeling guilty all at the same time, but he shook off all of it for now because his relationship with Ei is at stake. When he reached the palace, he opened the door then got greeted by Ei with a sad expression and bags beside her. (Y/N) noticed it was his stuff in the bag.

(Y/N): Let me explain...

Ei sighed, she's tired too from today's events, she wants to be angry and argue but both of them are just too tired, they just wanted the day to be over.

Ei: I don't want your explanation...

Ei said, her tone angry yet sounded defeated and sad. (Y/N) went quiet and so does Ei, there was a moment of silence before Ei broke it.

Ei: I...need some space...

(Y/N) didn't respond right away, Ei's words was still sinking in him, when he realized it, he nodded and took the bags beside Ei, it was probably the best thing to do for now.

Ei: We'll talk when I'm ready...

(Y/N) heart sank when he heard that, it was worrying yet relieving, at least she was willing to give him a chance to explain.

(Y/N): Okay...

Ei then mumbled in agreement, she immediately slammed the door close in (Y/N) face, but he stayed in place for a bit, just looking at the ground in defeat. He lets out a heavy sigh before carrying the bags up and turning away from the door, when he's about to walk away, he stopped when he heard faint sobs behind the door, Ei was crying. It broke him from the inside and he started tearing up, he couldn't be there for Ei when she needed him the most but Ei needed the space at her request and he needed to oblige. Ei trusted (Y/N) and she still does, she knows (Y/N) wouldn't replace her for anyone, but what she saw from earlier tested that trust, she trusts (Y/N) but now she can't help but feel insecure. She needed space to think everything over.


(Y/N) knocked at the door of Thoma's place, eventually being answered by Thoma himself. He was a bit taken back when he saw (Y/N)'s bags.

Thoma: Oh, hey, man, welcome back. What's with the bags?

(Y/N): I need a place to stay for a bit...

Thoma's mind pondered why (Y/N) needed somewhere to stay at, he looked at the bags again, took notice of (Y/N)'s sad tone, and body language, he realized what might've just happen. He's curious but didn't wanted to pry or bring back any negative emotions, so he just welcomed (Y/N) in.

Thoma: Oh, sure, sure. Come in, it's probably cold out there.

Thoma patted (Y/N)'s shoulder to reassure him with his situation as he leaned down to help (Y/N) carry his bags into the house.

(Y/N): Thanks...

Thoma: No problem, man.

I'm sorry for the wait. I was busy with school and stuff but my summer break is close and I will try to bring back regular updates to the story. Also, I've been working on a new story/book in the background and that's keeping me a bit busy also, but then again I'm sorry for the wait. Thank you all for the ongoing support, I appreciate it so so much!
- smolsz <3

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