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"Who brought these flowers here," Cale inquired. His room was adorned with stunning white roses. He inhaled the refreshing scent and noticed a card on it.

[Grateful for the company]

"Ah. It is Felix," he replied cheerfully first thing in the morning. That man is charming in his own right.


"Yes, Human?"

"Tell your Uncle Vicross to prepare some treats," Cale said, patting the young dragon. "I will give them to Sir Felix Robane."

"Okay, human!"

It is a pleasant gift.



Cale had to attend a conference of Empires and Kingdoms. Indeed, Obelia is a stable empire capable of hosting such a lavish conference. Everything is included, from the venue to the food.

He took a glance at Claude. Throughout, he remained calm and bored. He simply allowed high-ranking nobles to take control of the conversation and listened. It appears that the entire Obelia aristocratic echelon was already briefed on everything.

It is as if Claude's decision was meant to be the final say.

If they do it that way, Rowoon has good reason to follow their lead.

Cale prevented Alver from speaking directly to the other delegates.

He stood up and used the opportunity to demonstrate his Prime Minister's trash-talking abilities. He began to discuss possible trade and business opportunities between the two empires and the other empires' membership in the alliance.

"In addition, the Rowoon Empire's most valuable asset was its modernized weaponry; we provided and also assist kingdoms and countries in conflict with other kingdoms or ourselves in exchange for goods and products from other kingdoms."

Rowoon is sufficient, but it is also advantageous to maintain positive relations with other kingdoms.

"Modernized weapons?" Claude eventually asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty," he replied respectfully, "as both the Prime Minister and Grand Martial of the Entire Rowoon Forces, I have confidence in that." Cale stated.

The other kingdoms were aware that one individual wielded considerable power in the Rowoon Kingdom. That power is equal to, if not greater than, the Emperor of Rowoon. Not only that, such a man is the Monarch's sworn brother and most trusted vassal.

The Henituse Duchy was a well-known neutral house capable of controlling and shifting the balance of Rowoon politics. Its leader is well-known for his tireless efforts and exceptional leadership, which prevented the underground market and dealers from establishing themselves in his jurisdiction.

Furthermore, Cale Henituse, the Firstborn, is regarded as the most powerful man in the empire. He possesses intelligence capable of overturning the entire battle. He led his people through the two-year war, establishing a superpower that no political faction could shake.

The second child also became a successful politician. He was in charge of everything from behind the scenes, like an experienced bureaucrat. He helps the firstborn and does all of the cleaning, leaving no trace of his movements.

The youngest and only daughter in the household is also a promising knight.

Such a house possesses such talented children. No wonder. It's a house that any kingdom would want to have in their kingdoms. A noble for the people.

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