Chapter 54

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Two days later by noon, the Emperor and his company arrived at the hunting grounds. Enormous tents stood by the front valleys to the looming dark forest. A magnificent feast was prepared.

Shen Nuo sat in between Li Yan and Minghe during the meals. He leisurely licked one of his fingers stained with sauce and slurped a tender piece of mushroom in his soup, causing several ministers to turn in the direction and look at him speechlessly. But he was a consort. They couldn't do anything but lower their heads and pretend to be deaf and blind. Li Yan glared at him. "Quiet!" He hissed in a furious whisper.

On the other hand, Shen Nuo looked very innocent. "Huh?" He asked in that know-nothing voice. 

Li Yan leaned to the side and reached Shen Nuo's ear. "If you dare misbehave, then you're not allowed to join the hunt tomorrow." He whispered in a low voice. Shen Nuo nearly spat out the contents in his mouth. He looked at the dog darkly. 

He doesn't even seem to have the freedom to eat as he wish it seems. The dog was really rebellious. Shen Nuo smiled sweetly. "Husband, eat more!" He shoved a dish of roasted garlic towards Li Yan. 

Li Yan also smiled sweetly, picked a plumpy banana from the fruit bowl and stretched it towards Shen Nuo. "Wife also should eat more!" He gave Shen Nuo a meaningful look.

Zhanhua: "..."

Officials: "..."

Minghe: "???"

And Shen Nuo: "!!!"

Shen Nuo was speechless. He gritted his teeth and forced a sweet smile again. But his naughty hand that wanted to pinch Li Yan's leg, slid under the desk and onto the emperor's lap and accidentally gave a heavenly pinch to the wrong spot. Ok. He did not think too much when he felt that slender thing to the touch. He couldn't help but squeeze it a few more times.

But the moment Li Yan was attacked with that heavenly pinch on his ******, suddenly dropped his chopsticks with which he had been eating. His breath hitched and eyes went red. 

However, it was a moment before Shen Nuo felt that soft and slender thing hardening into a monstrous iron rod in an instant did he realize what the f@#king hell it was. 

"..." HoLY SHiT!!!

Shen Nuo thought he was going to have a heart attack. He withdrew back his hand as if scalded by fire and raised his eyes to look at Li Yan only to get his eyes locked with Li Yan's frightening gaze.

The near most officials who saw the sudden change in the emperor's face was horrified. "Your Majesty!" 

Even Minghe who sat next to Li Yan couldn't help but raise his head. "Imperial Father?"

But by the next moment, startling everyone, Shen Nuo struggled to his feet with a beet red face and got lost in an instant.

Li Yan threw away the chopsticks, gritting his teeth and was not in a mood to continue eating. "You eat!" He said to his officials darkly in a hoarse voice before leaving away with a shrug. "Zhangsun, take Minghe to Zhen's tent when he's done!"

How dare Shen Nuo!!!


It was past midnight. Li Yan still had not returned to the tent. Shen Nuo felt some discomfort spreading through his body at moments, weakening his entire body. Perhaps inside the tent, it was too hot. Jinyu who just provided him with the dinner, grinned broadly. "Have a long and a mirthful night!" He wished giggling. 

Goldfish wasn't the sort who would speak something like this. Shen Nuo rolled his eyes. "Quickly get lost!"

Few minutes later, Shen Nuo couldn't take it anymore. So he went out of the tent to breath some fresh air. It was completely silent except for the sound of footsteps of the guards who were doing night patrols far away.

[BL]After Transmigration I Became The Villainous Consort. [穿越后, 我成了恶妃]Where stories live. Discover now