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-A Few Months Later-

-Rui Pov-

It had been a few months since I checked in on Yn. In that time, I had been kept busy, working closely with Natasha, Steve, and Sam.

Stephanie had to leave due to her father's car crash, but I tried to push on, determined to make a difference.

Tonight, as I lay in bed, I decided to astral project, desperate for a moment of peace and clarity.

What I didn't expect, however, was to find myself in a place that shook me to my core.

There was Yn, her belly swollen with child– and the father it seemed like was none other than Peter Parker, the so-called "friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."

I watched as Tony Stark showered the couple with praise and approval, a stark contrast to the cold reception I had received when she was the one carrying our daughter, Jade.

The anger and resentment bubbled within me, threatening to boil over.

How could they so easily accept this, when I had been ostracized and vilified when she was pregnant with my child?

It wasn't fair, and I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of betrayal.

As I returned to my physical body, the rage consumed me. I wanted to go hunt Y/N down, to confront her and take her for myself.

Before I knew it I got up heading out only for Steve to step in, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to my own turbulent emotions.

Steve-Rui, you good?

R-Yn is pregnant again. By that spider

He sighed looking down

R-I gotta go find them. Who knows who she will get pregnant by next-

Steve-Rui!...look I know you're upset, but this isn't the way

He said, his voice low and soothing.

Steve-Let's talk about this.

I wanted to fight, my way by, Steve was about to make me lash out, but something in his eyes made me pause.

Reluctantly, I allowed him to guide me back to my room, where we sat in tense silence for what felt like an eternity.

Steve-I know it's not fair

Steve finally said, breaking the stillness.

Steve-But you can't let this consume you. It's only going to hurt you in the end. She moved on and it's about time u did too. You chose your side.

I scoffed, my arms crossed defiantly over my chest.

R-How can you say that, Steve? He's being rewarded for the same thing that nearly destroyed me. How is that fair?

Steve sighed, running a hand through his hair.

Steve-I'm not saying it is fair, Rui. But life rarely is. You have to find a way to move past this, to focus on the things you can control. This is just being human.

I opened my mouth to argue, but Steve raised a hand, silencing me.

Steve-I know it's not easy. Believe me, I know. But you're stronger than this, Rui. You've been through so much, and you've come out the other side. Don't let this drag you down.

I felt the fight leave me then, the tension in my muscles slowly releasing.

Steve was right – I had been through hell and back, and I'd be damned if I let this break me.

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