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Rocky was still in disbelief. He couldn't believe his eyes. He was going to be a father again. Thousands of emotions passed through him. He wanted to be happy. He wanted to hug her tight and tell her how happy she have made him. But her face was telling him she was not happy with this news.
'What Sona??? Aren't you happy'??? Rocky asked keeping his palm on hers.
'Seriously Rocky. I would have been happy if this happened after our marriage. But now what am I supposed to do'??? Reena asked lashing out at him.
'Sona just calm down. See whatever happens I will always be your side okay. No matter what I will never leave you'. Rocky said caressing her hairs and Reena hugged him.
'Its all up to your decision Ree. We will support you no matter what the decision is'. He said rubbing her back and she nodded her head.
She broke the hug after some time and caressed his beard.
'I know this was out of our plan but I am never gonna give up on our child. Let's keep this tiny little bundle'. Reena said to which Rocky smiled widely and kissed her forehead. He then attached his forehead with hers closing his eyes relishing their moment.

That night the Oberoi family was having their dinner. Reena too was present there as both Shanthi and Rocky didn't want to leave her alone in such a situation. Shanthi was actually thinking of ways to reveal this to Shekhar while Yuva held Reena's hand in a tight grip assuring her that everything will go smoothly.
'Shanthi the pandit suggested two dates. One is after two weeks and other one is after 3 months. I think we should go on with the second one. Let them enjoy their time as lovers till then'. Shekhar said to which Shanthi glared at both of them and then looked back at Shekhar.
'I don't think so. I think the first one is enough'. Shanthi said.
'Why??? Weren't you the one who said that they should enjoy their time as lovers. Now what happened all of a sudden'??? Shekhar asked confused.
'Yeahh but there is a change in some plans since your son is so impatient'. She said glaring at Yuva.
'What happened'??? He asked as held her hand.
'You are going to be a grand father soon'. Shanthi said in a one go and Yuva squeezed his eyes shut. He then slowly opened his eyes to meet his parents staring at him. He smiled awkwardly and looked at Reena who had her eyes held down.
'I have never thought he would be this fast'. Shekhar whispered to Shanthi and then said in a loud tone.
'Well your wedding is going to take place within two weeks. Both of you be prepared for that'. He declared and then left from there followed by Shanthi leaving them alone.

After the dinner Rocky was taking Reena to his room when his parents came towards them.
'Reena beta you will stay with Shanthi till marriage and you idiot you can sleep with me'. Shekhar said making Yuva's jaw drop.
'And we are going to the temple tomorrow. Are you guys coming'??? Shanthi asked them.
'Yes ma'. Both of them said to which they smiled.
Later Shanthi took Reena to her room to catch some sleep after a tiring long day.

Adheera was having his drink lost in his deep thoughts when Shakthi came to him all of a sudden.
'All done'??? He asked as soon as he sensed his presence.
Shakti hummed and prepared a drink for himself. He gulped it in one go and Adheera sensed that something was bothering him.
'What happened'??? He asked.
'Nothing. It's just that she is gonna hate me from tomorrow'. Shakti said.
'She is gonna get hurt. I know that but I can't let her marry. That too with him. She is mine and she can only marry me'. Adheera said possessively.
'Do you think all these are necessary??? I mean you guys have got an entirely new life. So is it necessary to take revenge on him for a thing happened in your past life'???
'It is necessary. He should know that he is nothing in front of me. And I love Reena. I want her in my life. Even if I leave this entire revenge plan I am not ready to leave her'. Adheera said in a determined tone.
Shakthi shook his head negatively.
'You know what tomorrow his life is going to shatter in front of his eyes. His whole world is going to fall apart'. Adheera said with an evil laugh.
'Get Ready Rocky bhai'. He said and gulped his drink fully.

That's it for the chapter. Do vote and comment ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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