Chapter Sixteen

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                   Alia's Pov
It's the day of trip and I'm getting in the bus. Unfortunately the bus was already full only lat 2 seats were vacant. Asif made arrangements so that Riza can sit with Rehman but now I have to sit alone at the last seat which is knowingly avoided by everyone because it was at the end and mostly dark.

Okay, stop being a teenager you're elder than any of them just go and sit. My biggest satisfaction was that they were treating me good expect for that one so called rich girl group. Who cares?

The professor's were going to come by a car and the bus is ours to enjoy. Everyone loved the idea expect me. The reason I was here was not with me now. I wish Abhimanyu was here.

"Hey, guys. Sorry I've to come but the car is full so I'll be traveling with you all." There were sighs heard but I was happy inside my wish come true.
"Oh comeon I'm not that boring. So where do I have to sit? Oh the last seat next to... Miss Basu. You guys continue with whatever you were doing, I promise I won't intrept until you make so much chaos that will wake me up." He said coming towards the seat. I was never thus happier to be seated at the back.

As soon as he sat I whispered, "Was the car really full?" He gave me a smirk.
"I can always make some arrangements for my princess."
"How did you do it?"
"I'll have to treat Rajvardhan later remind me." He said closing his eyes.

Now I knew that this was the reason Abhimanyu asked me to be late. These guy sometimes he is too lovable.

"You saved me from being alone here for next 2 hours. I could kiss you." I said.
"Not right now princess but I'll hold you on that." He said that I barely heard. He then held my hand tightly tracing it.

"Abhimanyu someone will notice."
"No one will. They are busy."

"Guys can you please tell Miss Basu to stop asking me questions and let me sleep? Or else I'll teach you about our next poem which talks about traveling."

He said in a loud voice. Everyone looked at us I freed my hand from his.

"Please Alia let him sleep peacefully. If you want you can borrow my headphones to keep you accompanied but let him sleep." Rehman said and the whole bus looked at me with pleading eyes.

I somehow stopped myself from laughing and nodded. Soon as they turned their heads Abhimanyu again grabbed my hand. I pinched him and he looked at me questioning.

"What was that?"
"Nothing. As they said let me sleep."
"You don't have to hold my hand."
"That's necessarily for a peaceful sleep. And all of them wants me to sleep peacefully or should I start teaching."
"Ahh... shut up. Okay, do whatever?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Cute." He said smiling eyes closed. He looked so beautiful in that moment that I was about to lean in and kiss him but I  controlled myself.

Abhimanyu was sleeping peacefully and so was half of the bus and half of them were to busy to notice anything, either in flirting or reading books or music everyone was so busy. I slowly took my phone out and tried to take a picture of Abhimanyu he was looking so breath taking while sleeping.

I took his picture he really looks so beautiful. I kissed his picture in my phone.

Soon we entered a tunnel and everything was dark I could barely see Abhimanyu's face. I wanted to lean in and kiss him but I don't want to get caught so I kept my distance but I was startled as he pulled me towards him and pressed his lips to mine. Anyone else could see us but right now neither him nor I cared about it.

He was kissing me passionately then he broke the kiss just before the tunnel ended. I touched my lips and looked out of the window smiling.

He have kissed me many times before but everytime I feel the same butterflies in my stomach and the same shyness in me.

"I am handsome and I know that Princess. But you are mine so you don't have to kiss a photo." He said whispering in my ears making me blush.
I pinched his hand again and he smiled.
"Just sleep."
"As you say, your highness." I couldn't stop smiling.
"I like the smile but someone will notice you." He said again I looked at him surprised and then annoyed he finally slept.

These moment are the once I want to play on repeat if only it was a drama. I'd rather sit like this with Abhimanyu for the rest of my life.

We finally reached our destination and settled into our own rooms. I and Riza had other 3 girls in our room but that was fine those girls were so nice that they became friends with us in a short time.

Now we are getting fresh and soon we'll meet for lunch in the hotels dinning.
It's being a while I've been out on a trip. These will be fun.

DEDICATION: Secrets are fun to keep, But how long are they fun?Where stories live. Discover now