Chapter Twenty Three

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                   Abhimanyu's Pov
Yesterday was a roller coaster of emotions. And now I and Alia both don't know what's next? The only thing constant is there is no going back now. Whatever happens we'll face it together. I won't let go of Alia at any coast. I'll fight for her.

After the college I had Alia waiting at my office. Today, school had a holiday so we both had the afternoon to ourselves. As I went inside my office I saw her sitting quietly as a student.

"What's with the look?" I said confused.
She slowly pointed towards the CCTV camera.

"It's out of service dear." I said chuckling.
"Is it?" She said excitedly and got up.
"Oh God, I wished since my childhood that I had an office to myself. So, Mr. Abhimanyu Verma this office is mine for now." She said spinning in a circle.
"Okay mam, then I guess you should have a seat." She was proceeding to seat on a chair.
"Aha, this office is yours remember so you should sit on the main chair."
"I know I said that but I also know very well that a office chair is a thing of honor and I can't just sit on it. I respect your emotions."
"You do right, so just sit on it." I said making her sit on the chair.
"Abhimanyu, you don't have to do that. You can't let just anybody sit here."
"As you said Alia it's a matter of that these chair is an honor so I'm not letting just anybody sit here I'm letting my other half sit there. I feel overwhelmed to make you sit here. There's no one I'd rather give this chair to sit." I said closing the distance between us.
"I always say these and I'll repeat it. Princess I'm all yours. And everything I own is yours." I said kissing her forehead her eyes were sparkling.

"Okay so Mr. Verma be seated." She said imitating my voice.
"Getting into character, I see?!" I said sitting on the other chair and saw her role playing me. It was beautiful to have Alia here laughing her heart out. I'd give anything for this smile, anything!

"I wished I had office of my own and a career of my own." She said as she stopped walking.
"You will princess. You're gonna ba an amazing writer. And you'rean amazing teacher already." She chuckled sadly as something picked my heart ro the core.
"I'm resigning."
"I have to be hospitalized in 2 days. I know this Abhi. I've experienced it. Hospital life isn't new for me. It's better to resign."
"But you can take sick leaves."
"It's not that simple Abhimanyu. I might bot even be able to get the degree."
"Alia, the finals are near. You'll get your degree, be a writer and get your office very soon."
"I like to picture it Abhimanyu. But there is a little guarantee that I can give the finals. And without it I can't get a degree. Even if I do I might never get to use it somewhere."
"Cancer took my teenage and now it's taking my adulthood and this time it's not only a phase of my life but it might be my life." She said tearing up.
"Don't ever say that? Please Alia don't ever say that again." I said putting my finger on her lips.

"You're gonna get the degree and be a brilliant writer." She fake smiled. But again broke into tears. I went near her and took her in my arms. She snuggled in as a little koala.

"I don't want to go again in that hospital Abhimanyu. I'm scared I might never come back. Please I don't want to die Abhimanyu. Please can you please stop them from hospitalizing me? Please Abhi." She said sobbing hard. I felt helpless at that time.

"Shh, no one's going to die princess. I promise you'll be here perfect and fine in few days. I know you will. And I'll stop at no limits for you. But for that you need to be hospitalized princess. You'll get better."

"No I don't want to go. Abhimanyu it is terrifying to live in hospital. I'd rather enjoy whatever is left of my life then counting my days in a hospital bed. Please listen to me."

"I'm sorry princess but I can't do anything right now. You have to be hospitalized. You'll get better only then and remember one thing nothings going to happen to you."

"Please Abhimanyu, it's so painful and terrific. The experience, the medication, the therapy it's all horrible. They treat it horribly. "

"No one's going to treat you horribly. If they ever did just tell me. I promise you princess I'll take all the care for you. I won't even let dust to trouble you. Just promise me that you'll focus on getting better rather than thinking nonsense." I said and she snuggled even closer.

"You promise me you'll be there everyday?"
"I won't at all miss it princess. I'll be by your side from dust till dawn I promise."
"You'll not break this promise right?"
"I'd rather die." I said and she kept her finger on my lips shooking her head.

"Exactly so you stop talking about all that stuff too." I said and she nodded.

After sometimes she was clam she said,
"Abhi, can you help me write a letter go the college regarding the upcoming holidays and resigning letter too."
"Why are you yet resigning?"
"I wanna focus on my book. I'll give it an ending. I have too." She said determined.

And we both together wrote the letters and had fun figuring out Alia's story. She was great at creative writing. I like if a lot. More than she will ever know.

DEDICATION: Secrets are fun to keep, But how long are they fun?Where stories live. Discover now