Chapter 60: Kiss

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Henry pressed her against the wall again, and moved his hand relentlessly through the hem of her blouse, caressing her soft skin. He held her hand and entangled his fingers with hers. Sarah's heart pounded as if trying to leave her body. He bit her lower lip lightly before releasing it and chuckled in her ear, seducing her even further. "Do you know why I couldn't resist you?"

With half her rationality gone, her hands were free to do whatever she wanted. She ran her fingers through his curly hair as she admired that face in front of her. She caressed his face with the tip of her fingers as she moved to his neck, and finally, those toned abs she'd always wanted to touch. Ah yes, as firm as she thought.

Her innocent actions stirred something in him. He suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist, guided her towards the center of the room and they both tumbled on the bed. He kissed her lips once again. His eyes darkened as if all his reason and resistance had disappeared in a blink of an eye. He turned his head abruptly and kissed the most sensitive spot behind her ear. Sarah shivered from the sudden attack, a soft moan escaping her lips.

Henry's breathing became rigid and a thin layer of sweat covered his face, making him even more alluring. His hands gripped both sides of her body as he captured her lips again. And soon, the room was filled with erotic sounds of clothes rustling and lips smacking.

Then she felt something hard and hot against her thighs, and she froze. They both knew what that meant. He raised his head and took in her beauty. His charming black eyes had a deeper shade of red around them, and they burned with an intensity she'd never seen before.

 Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as her body heated up. Yep, that was common sense leaving her body. Her grip on his shirt tightened as she gazed at the seductive man on top of her. He was so handsome that it made people want to commit a crime. Snippets of erotic scenes popped up in her head and she almost drooled.

Sarah shook her head to cast away those erotic scenes. The intoxicating scent and something hot twitching on her thighs sent an electric current through her body, making it impossible to focus. She bit her tongue hard enough to draw blood and the self-inflicted pain caused her to regain a little bit of sanity.

No.  she couldn't take advantage of a drunk man. She summoned all the remaining willpower and pushed him with all her strength. The push caught him unaware and he rolled over to the side, unable to figure out what went wrong.

Henry seemed to have calmed down all of a sudden. The burning desire in his eyes had faded a lot. He just looked at her quietly, looking at her blushing face. How many years had it been? Henry looked at her slender figure and thought it was a little funny. It had been years since he was this impulsive.

Sarah took this chance and ran into the bathroom. The supposedly drunk man sat up and watched her scamper out of the room. His lips curved into a smile as his tongue traced his lips in an alluring way. He could still feel the lingering warmth of her soft lips on his. He glanced at the heated area on his lower body and let out a soft laugh. He really underestimated her influence on him.

When he had seen her avoidance earlier, an unnamed flame ignited in his heart. At first, he just wanted to kiss her as a reminder that their relationship was no longer something she could escape because she wanted to, and she did not need to run away at all. If he wanted to touch her, she would not be able to resist at all.

But why once he kissed her, he felt joy in his heart and couldn't help but deepen the kiss. He couldn't restrain himself from wanting to see her reaction or resist the desire that spread like wildfire. He couldn't remember the last time he was this impulsive. He stood up, walked towards the wide window, and opened it. He stood there, allowing the chilly wind to cool him down.

Sarah turned on the tap and splashed cold water on her face. She raised her head and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Fine water droplets clung to her face like the beads of sweat had clung to his face. Her mind wandered again. "Wake up!"  She tapped her face, hoping to get back her sanity. It seemed cold water did not work. She filled the tub with ice-cold water and opted for a freezing bath instead.

An eternity later, Sarah walked back into the room wrapped in towels like a mummy. She snatched her clothes from the suitcase — yeah, she was too lazy to unpack— and dashed back into the bathroom. She couldn't possibly get dressed in front of him, right?

A few minutes later, she walked back again dressed like a nun. She had covered up every part of her body; even the hair was not spared.  Only her face and hands were visible. She walked gingerly across the room and sat on the small couch by the window. She pulled the shawl covering her head tighter, leaving only a small part of her face visible.

Henry had an impulse to laugh but he held it in. "What are you doing?"

Her eyes darted everywhere but his face. "I'm afraid someone wouldn't be able to resist my beauty." More like; I won't be able to resist your beauty but she did not speak the last part aloud.

Henry fixed his gaze on her face and chuckled. She was right about that. He tore his gaze away from her and took a deep breath. "Relax, I won't do anything to you if you don't want to."  He leaned on the headboard and placed both hands behind his head. His lips curved into a seductive smile. "I've said this before, I like it when it is consensual."

Cough! Cough!

Sarah almost choked on her saliva. Great god, it's not you I'm worried about, okay? I'm worried I might pounce on you if you keep talking, okay?

An awkward silence followed.

"Actually, I had no intention of going this far at all." He broke the silence with his husky voice, drawing all her attention. He continued in a soft voice, almost like he was talking to himself, "It was those eyes that peeked into my soul." He paused and looked into her eyes. "If you want to know, the real culprit is your eyes. Those clear innocent brown eyes filled with sparkles took me down."

Henry got up, walked to the door, and paused. After a moment, he opened the door and entered the bathroom. For the next half an hour, all Sarah could hear was the sound of water splashing. Sarah sat by the window, hugging her shawl when he returned to the room.

He took a towel, dried his hair, walked to the bed, and lay down. Everything about him was perfect and she could not restrain herself from staring at him. As soon as he lay on the bed, he closed his eyes. He looked tired and Sarah assumed it wouldn't take long for him to fall asleep.

Sarah soon discovered a problem. There was only one bed in the room and there was no way she would spend the night on the chair. Once she confirmed that he'd fallen asleep, she sneaked into the bed and shared the blanket with him. This double bed was not big and, although Sarah tried her best to stay away from him, that distance between them wasn't big. Half a minute later, the supposedly sleeping Henry rolled over and wrapped his arm around her waist.

Sarah's eyes popped open and her body stiffened with the touch. She wanted to push him away but he whispered into her ear, "I've said it before, I won't force you. Sleep."

Her whole body relaxed from his words, allowing herself to fall asleep. She didn't know why, but she trusted him to keep his word. Henry opened his eyes and looked at the woman in his arms. A satisfied smile appeared on his face as she snuggled closer to him.

Henry glanced at the woman beside him one more time and closed his eyes. He soon drifted off to sleep. He never had trouble falling asleep whenever she was with him—A fact that baffled him. He was at peace whenever she was with him and even his problems seemed manageable. It seems they shared something special. He had to take it slow for now or he might scare her away; that was a risk he couldn't afford to take.

A/N: hey. are you enjoying the story so far?

 (little secret) I'm not entirely confident about this chapter. Maybe you can suggest some edits to make it better😊

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