Chapter 62: Sam

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A handsome young man he rolled down the windows with a hint of mischief. "Hey, isn't this Henry's assistant, Miss Suarez? Why are you alone in such an isolated place?"

Sarah's eyes lit up. "Sam, thank heavens it's you."

"Hey Sarah, t'sup?" he said flashing a sly smile, "Get in."

She yanked the door open and jumped in. She fumbled in her seat looking for the belt and bucked it. "Now get me out of here."

"How did you get here?" Sam asked as he started the engine. "It is strange to see this cute bunny in such a deserted place." He winked at her.

"Ugh..." she groaned as she massaged her tired legs. "That idiot left me here in the middle of nowhere!"

Sam burst out laughing. "By idiot, you mean Henry." He calmed down after a while and patted the steering wheel. He glanced at her and chuckled. "This is the first time I've heard someone call him an idiot. Even if I die today, I can die without regrets."

"Sam, you missed the main point."

"Which is?"

"He left me!"

"Oh, that's not so strange." Sam shrugged, "he left me in a desert once during a field trip without water and I almost died of dehydration. I don't even know how we got into a desert in the first place."

Sarah thought about it and his misfortune did make her feel much better. Her heart felt balanced out. At least she was better off left in such a lush area, right? She wouldn't die of starvation or dehydration.

They were silent for a long while and all they could hear was the soothing breeze and the humming of the engine. She got comfortable and her tired body relaxed. She started feeling drowsy and was about to doze off.

"What kind of music do you like?" Sam asked, attempting to start a conversation with her.

"I like soft, soothing music," Sarah replied without bothering to open her eyes.

"Oh, that's for old people." Sam turned on some random music. "I don't care as long as the listener is beautiful. What about movies?"

"Avatar: the last air bender."

"What's that?" Sam laughed, "Sounds childish and boring from its name."

"I like it, and nothing you say can make me change my mind."

"Okay, I don't care." Sam shrugged and focused on driving. The peaceful silence resumed and Sarah dozed off again.

"You did not tell me you liked these kinds of places," his voice rang out, jolting her awake.


"I would have brought you here," he said, licking his lips and leering at her.

All the traces of sleepiness disappeared and her heart beat faster. That look wasn't innocent at all! But she tried her best to maintain her composure and look unaffected. Even if you are nervous, don't let the other party discover it. "No, I don't like it at all."

He smiled but that kind of smile did not make her relax at all. If anything, the unease in her heart multiplied. Sarah shrunk into her seat, minimizing her presence as much as possible.

"Such a beautiful lady, I can't control my hand," he said when his free hand found its way to her thighs.

Sarah thwacked his hand away, trying her best to maintain her calm. "Sam... thanks for the ride. I'll get off here."

"What's the hurry babe, we are still far away from the city. You won't hitch another ride here," he said, his expression turning cold.

"That is not your problem anymore but you are indeed right about something. I definitely won't hitch another ride."

He didn't stop the car. He looked straight ahead as if he didn't hear her and hit the gas.

"Sam!" she yelled as she grabbed the handle to steady herself. "What the hell is wrong with you? What do you want?"

"Sarah, don't play dumb with me. You know perfectly what I want."

"Hell, NO!"

"So, Henry can, but I can't?" he scoffed and his expression got even uglier, "tell me, what is so special about him?"

"He is different. Way better than you and you will never get close to him in this lifetime."

"Isn't this about money? Tell me how much he paid you. I'll pay double." He smirked.

Sarah took a deep breath and controlled her emotions. "Your values are too screwed up and I can't communicate with you at all. Anyway, stop the car and I'll get off. You can go ahead and kill yourself with this kind of speed. I have no interest in dying with you."

"Sarah, there is no getting out of this one. You are spending the night with me. It is just one night; nothing will change much."

"Sam, stop the damn car!"

How would Sam stop the car at such a time? "isn't it just one night? What is the big deal? I won't mistreat you; I promise. Sit still, we'll arrive very soon."

Sarah became even more uneasy. "I said, stop. The. Damn. Car!"

Not only did he not stop the car, he stepped on the gas and sped up again. The car seemed like it was about to fly off the road. The beautiful scenery outside whizzed by so fast that it turned into a blur.

Sarah glanced outside the window. Jumping out of the car crossed her mind but she quickly shook her head. No, that's too risky. Since jumping outside was off the table, she had to figure out how to get out of there.


The car doors were locked. Sam had noticed her glance and anticipated her next move. "Trying to escape?" He mocked her as his lips curled into a mocking smile.

"Nope." Sarah shook her head. Since there weren't many choices available, she might as well fight her way out. She had to face this problem head-on. She leaned back in her seat, crossed her arms, and stared straight ahead. "Has it ever crossed your mind that one day you might die because of your greed?"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing." She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and said in a clear cold voice, "Sam, I'll say this one last time. Stop. The. Damn. Car."

Sam ignored her words and looked straight ahead. He leaned his body on the seat and rested one hand on the window while holding the steering wheel with the other. He gave her a side glance with his eyebrows raised, and sneered, "What can you do if I don't?"

Sarah pursed her lips and gave an innocent shrug. "Okay, I guess we have to do it the hard way then." Without giving him time to react, she grabbed the steering wheel and the car swerved off the road.

"Idiot, what is wrong with you?! Do you want to die?" He regained control fast and the car came back to the road. This continued for a while and they kept veering off the road. Eventually, he had no choice but to slow down.

"Good boy, that's more like it." Sarah patted his arm gently but the chill in her eyes was enough to freeze a volcano. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and suddenly turned the steering wheel harder this time.


The car made contact with a sturdy tree.

A/N: hi lovely readers😊 don't hate me for this chapter. I wrote this chapter specifically to remind you that getting into a stranger's car isn't always a good idea. (especially the people that you think you know them.) stay safe❤ and happy reading.

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