Chapter 64: Share the juicy stuff

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Saturday morning, at 9.00 am, Emily kicked open Sarah's door shouting, "Girl, you won't believe this!"

"Ugh! Emily, do you have to shout so early in the morning?" Sarah groaned as she rolled over on her bed, kicking aside a crumpled blanket. "That news better be good, or you'll get it from me."

"Guess what? My favorite designer released a new shirt design themed 'expressing love'." An excited Emily ignored Sarah's harmless threat and sat on the bed. "This time, it is a customized shirt with the initials of your partner embroidered at the back of the collar. The designer only made one custom shirt of this particular theme four years ago."

"Oookay..." Sarah had a puzzled expression, "...and what does this have to do with me?"

"Girl, that is not even the juicy part," Emily couldn't contain her excitement. "Apparently, the shirt got lost before it was delivered to the owner, and Emma, the fashion influencer, picked it up by chance along Magadi Road and is now looking for the owner." Emily held her phone close to Sarah's face and a white shirt with a rose design on the pocket area popped up.

Sarah's widened and she suddenly sat up on the bed. "Where did you say she picked it up? And when?"

"Along Magadi road, ...four days ago..." It was Emily's turn to look at Sarah with a puzzled expression. "Why?"

"Nothing." Sarah raked her fingers through her curly hair, scratching her scalp a little. Wasn't that the same spot where she had her little drama with Sam? No, she must be overthinking. There's no way it was the same shirt. "Umm... I think you are late for work."

Emily rolled her eyes and got up from the bed. "You are such a bummer."

That night, Sarah baked a cake for the first time in a long time. Emily arrived from work, exhausted. The sweet aroma from the kitchen oven made her drool. She threw her shoes on the rack and ran barefoot to the kitchen. Sarah grinned ear to ear with a blank stare on her face. She failed to notice Emily who stood at the door watching her with those gossipy eyes.


The oven timer went off and brought Sarah back to reality. She took out a heart-shaped cake from the oven and put it on the cooling rack. She raised her head and noticed Emily this time but her gaze seemed a little odd. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Emily laughed but still, her gaze did not leave Sarah's face.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Sarah wiped her face with her sleeve.

"Yeah," Emily teased, "your face looks like you have a crush on someone. God, it is worse than our landlady's infatuated look when she sees her idol on TV."

"W-what nonsense are you spouting," Sarah said, averting her eyes.

Emily laughed again when Sarah blushed. "The last time I saw you bake a cake was on Brandon's birthday, and I'm sure it is not his this time." She inched closer and sat on the countertop. Her eyes had that unmistakable gossip mode kind of glow as she said, "Girl, share the juicy stuff."

"It's nothing special; I just felt like baking today. You are overthinking this."

"Girl, are you kidding me? The only two times I've ever seen you bake a cake were on Brandon's birthday. You've never even baked one for my birthday. You would always grab one for me at the bakery. And now you are saying I'm exaggerating?"

"Okay fine," Sarah drawled, still avoiding Emily's eyes, "it is Henry's birthday tomorrow."

"Why don't you buy him something?" Emily shrugged and added, "uh... I don't know, maybe a gift? Do you have to go through all this trouble?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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