Chapter 21: A Familiar Face

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Sarah finally noticed the presence of another human beside her. She stared at the hand holding out the cash in front of her with a puzzled look that she forgot to cry for a few seconds.

The hand holding the money had slender fingers with neatly trimmed nails and a diamond ring on his pinkie finger. There was a faded burn scar about three fingers thick on his wrist just above the expensive watch.

Henry misinterpreted her silence as being discontented with the amount of money he offered. He had seen many greedy people and all of them acted this way when they wanted more money. His lips curled into a smirk. "Not enough?"

Without waiting for her to respond, he took out a few more bank notes from his wallet and gave them to her. He did not have a habit of carrying a lot of cash, so his wallet only had about $1000. Even so, this amount was more than enough for her to patch up her wounds.

Sarah: "...?" Can somebody explain what the hell is going on? What is this guy doing? Do people walk around shoving money to others nowadays? did she miss an update?

Henry raised his brows. "Tsk tsk, what a greedy woman," he sighed and shook his head slightly. He looked at her in contempt as his lips curved into a smug smile. He took out all the money in his wallet and tossed it to her without caring whether he wanted more or not. He no longer wanted to waste his precious time with her.

Sarah tilted her head to the side and stared at the human beside her through the gaps of her hair. She couldn't see his face clearly but she could see the contempt in his eyes.

Suddenly, all the bottled-up frustrations and anger in her heart broke out. What right did he have to look at her like that? What right did a random stranger have to judge her? She resumed crying, escalating it to even louder sobs.

His lips twitched. Unbelievable. He took out a pen from his front pocket and left a string of numbers on her arm. "If that is not enough, call this number."

His rude actions stunned her. "Hey dude, what is the meaning of this? Is this because you are filthy rich, huh?" her eyes burned with rage but her naturally gentle voice minimized the impact of her words. "You almost turned me into a cripple and the first thing you thought of is to shove some cash on my face. Did I ask you for money? The first thing you do in such situations is to apologize and ask me if I'm okay. Didn't your mother teach you any manners?"

"What if I don't have a mother?" he asked in a soft voice, almost as if talking to himself.

"I don't know, maybe, figure it out." She glared at him as she slowly got up, wincing at the pain in her injured knee. She wiped the tears off her face with the back of her hands. "Mister, I know it is my fault for not looking at where I'm going, but you don't have to act so condescending and 'pity' me. I don't need it." she bent over and started gathering her scattered documents with shaky hands.

"If you don't need my pity, why are you crying so much over a scrape?" he scoffed.

Hearing his ridicule, Sarah pursed her lips and clenched her fists. She turned around and looked straight at his face.

Tears blurred her eyes and she couldn't see his face clearly but she was determined not to let a single tear fall. "Listen, dude, how I cry, where I cry, and when I cry is none of your business. I have every right to cry however I want." He didn't move. His smirk persisted and this infuriated her further. She took two steps forward and poked his chest with her finger. "Nobody tells me what to do, okay? Last time I checked, this is a public road, not your family's backyard!"

She raked her hair out of her face, exposing her entire face. Henry's mocking smile froze in place. Her face stunned his entire being and his mind was momentarily blown away. No wonder she felt familiar!

Sarah took a deep breath and calmed down. It was unlike her to snap at a random stranger but she had to admit that it did feel good to air out her grievances. A bigger portion of the baggage in her heart had flowed out of her along with the tears. Why didn't she ever realize that one would feel great after having a good cry? No wonder Emily liked to cry so much.

She ignored the existence of the random stranger and bent down to pick up her stuff. She threw all of them into her bag and turned around, ready to leave. Then she remembered something. she remembered cash she had placed on the floor when he had shoved them into her hands. Sarah decided she needed to be a little more dramatic. 

"As for your money..." she picked up the money from the ground and turned to face him. She fanned her face with the money while taking slow, deliberate steps towards him. She looked at him one more time before throwing the money on his face. "... You can have it back."

Then she turned around and walked away, forgetting to take the bus.

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