♣️ ||• Overstep & Regret •|| ♣️

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Some people had doubts about how Taehyung scented Hoseok in the last chapter, so as you may have read when they both met in the restroom. Taehyung was the first to nuzzle Hoseok's glands and that time he was releasing his pheromones in large amount, Because he subconsciously rubbed his neck and this was the reason why Hoseok had gone more sensitive & weak. No matter what, it's omegas nature to submit infront of the dominant one especially if the other one is pure breed.

🔺 Pheromones are produced mainly by scent glands on the wrists, neck, cheeks, and, genitals. In claiming a mate, alphas will generally rub their face and hands on the face and neck or any sensitive parts of their omega's body.
As an additional warning to other alphas that this omega is claimed.

Means, It's not that an alpha can only scent an omega at the time of sexual intercourse, they can whenever they want, sometimes it can be a mistake too.

(I hope now everything is clear? If not then ask me in comment section and ignore the grammatical mistakes 🙌🏻😌)





In those two days, whenever Hoseok and Taehyung came face to face, both of them avoided each other, especially Hoseok.

Taehyung tried to approach him several times but he always go away before he could pass him, making it look like he had some important works & put himself in the company of someone else and that someone else is not other than Jungkook and Yoongi and sometimes Jimin too.

Half of Taehyung's problems were created by his crazy girlfriend.

Like one of the day when he was sitting with his friends in cafeteria, she came while they were talking, she sat beside him and said that Taehyung's attraction has started increasing towards boys these days, specially toward beta boys, hearing which his friends started making fun of it and that obviously hurted Tae's pride.

One night Taehyung was just feeling angry about whether he was really becoming gay. But he tried many times to get this thing out of his mind and convinced himself that there was nothing like that. He wants to talk to Hoseok because he insulted him unnecessarily, he just don't know why deep down he's feeling guilty about whatever he did with him, this is the only reason.

And the second thing is that kiss, that mistake was happened because in the flow of hot emotions and that is a very common thing, it can happen with anyone.

Means that's the thing according to him he has been trying to make understand his mind since that day.

But more than all this, what was messing up more with his mind was Hoseok's ignorance.

Making distance from him like he's somekind of danger for him, even not looking at him for once. He believe that the relationship between both of them was not good before, they both always looked at each other as a rivals but now when he wants to apologize for his deeds and maintain some friendship then he's giving him cold shoulders like he's the main culprit of his life.

Like today he's thinking while laying on the rooftop of his mension and looking at the blue sky which was shining in the moonlight.

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