Die screaming

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The black dog- Taylor Swift
loml- Taylor Swift
So long, London- Taylor Swift
All I wanted- Paramore
Silver springs- Fleetwood Mac
favourite crime- Olivia Rodrigo
Need 2- Pinegrove
Set fire to the rain- Adele


  It has been a month since me and Eddie called it quits, and although this wasn't the first time we had done so, I knew this time it was for good. After a year of bliss, he decided he just didn't love me anymore. Hearing that statement leave his mouth was one of the most painful things I've ever experienced, but it wasn't the action that hurt, it was the memories that came with it. In that moment I had thought of every beautiful moment we had ever had. Not realizing that some of them would be the last .

  I arrived home after school, feeling like a shell of myself. Nothing was the same without him, but I had to force myself to move on.
  When I went into my bedroom, I thought some reorganizing would help take my mind off of everything. So I put on my Fleetwood Mac vinyl and got to work.

  I started off by clearing off my desk. One of the first things I found was a letter, one that Eddie had given me on my birthday. I read the closing line of "I love you", I feel a surge of every emotion possible, sadness, anger, fear, everything. I throw the letter to the side before I spiral into a pit of post breakup depression and keep cleaning.

  Once my desk was done, I moved on to my drawers. I clear out my pants, refold, then carefully place them back in. When I arrived at my shirt drawer, I notice the first shirt on top is a hellfire shirt. Another surge goes through my body. But once again, I push it down. Tossing the shirt to the side.

By the time I had finished cleaning I had almost grown more upset, because along the way I had found countless pieces of memorabilia from some of the happiest times of my life. Aside from the letter and the shirt, I found pictures, more letters, and a couple of guitar picks that I had received throughout our relationship. I stood and stared at the array of items on my bed. Trying to decide what to do. Then it struck me, I have to do with these items exactly what I need to do with our relationship, let it burn.

  I walked downstairs to see my fireplace already ablaze, with all the objects in hand, I sat in front of it. Taking a moment to stare into the flames as if they were a crystal ball of past memories. Looking down to my lap, the first thing I see is the guitar picks. I pick them up, one black, one red, and I observe them one last time. Remembering how many songs those picks had played to me over time. From songs Eddie wrote, to my own favourites. With that, I threw them in the fire. I watched as the plastic blackened and melted away into wood. Next I looked and saw a photo of us, a picture of us at a hellfire meeting, I'm wearing a hellfire shirt and hugging Eddie around the shoulders from behind, with the biggest smile I have ever seen on myself. I chuck that into the fire as well.
I had two things left. The hellfire shirt, and the letter. Two of arguably the hardest things. I put the letter down next to me, and hold the shirt. I noticed that his scent still lingered on the fabric. And all at once, everything came back. Every late night, every good time, every bad time, every I love you. Every memory brought pain, but the most hurtful ones were the memories of us falling apart, because every other time, we made it work in the end. Until now that is...

  I start to cry, clutching the shirt closer to my chest. Clinging on to the last few moment with whatever I had left of him. I shut my eyes as if to wish that when I opened them he would be right in front of me. I opened them, he was not there. Inestead, all I see is the flames. So with that, i reluctantly throw the shirt into the fire. It burns slowly, as if it was taking the time to kill every memory attached to it, one by one, it was as if they all died screaming at me. I watch the stitches burn, each one holding a sacred memory, forever gone, but never forgotten. I sat and cried. Feeling just as defeated as ever.

  When I went to stand up and leave the room, I saw the final artefact of our love. The letter. It was staring at me with his eyes. The eyes I loved so much and got so much comfort from. I picked it up, opening it. I skimmed over some of the lines

"You are one of the best things to ever happen to me..."
"My life started the day we met."
"You're the love of my life"
"Please stay forever..."

I turned sharply to throw it in the fire, but before my hand could discard its tired but passionately upset grip, I paused. I'm not entirely sure what stopped me. But with a sudden wave of  peace, I stuffed the letter in my pocket and walked away.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 18 ⏰

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