Like a bird locked in a cage

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I then hear Midori open the door "Hey Aqua how are you?"he says entering the room "you have finally woken up from your little dream dear~" he says closing the door

I then try to move a bit but I feel handcuffs on my hands, but they aren't any ordinary handcuffs..they are Gifted handcuffs which means that I won't be able to use my power if I have these on.."You little-"

Midori then shushes me with his finger "Shhh..Now..Tell me..Who is your Gifted detective agency founder?we need them for Uhm.. Something which is none of ur interests..buut if you don't say anything, you'll stay here for longer than what you expected.." he then crouches down to my eye level with his hands on his pockes..I look at his eyes beautiful grey-Green eyes.. he then says "oh! And another question! haven't seen my other agent here have you?..they went Missing..and we know you guys may have him.."

I then say confused "what agent?..How does he look like?.."

He then says annoyed "Don't play dumb on me Aqua Rinotsuki.." he says, then standing up straight "We know your little Gifted detective agency did something to him.."

I then remember we did bring this Mafia agent over our Agency "I think we may have but can you take off these handcuffs?.."

Midori then says "Hm.." he seems hesitant and then grins at me "Okay but only with one condition..~"

"What condition?.." I say waiting curiously

His grin becomes bigger and he says "come back to the TGMA then for three months~.."

"Th-three months!?"I say while thinking about it

"Yep!" Midori says smiling innocently like if it were no big deal even if in my perspective it is something I didn't know how to respond

"I-i'll think about it.." I say looking away to the wall a bit hesitant on what I'm gonna say next.

Midori then smiled and then sat beside me still smiling with his innocent smile "Y'know...when you left the Mafia I was the one who missed you the most than everybody in this whole Agency.."he said while laying down on the soft bed.

I then turn around ,and say with a surprised look on my face "Y-you did?.. actually?..your not lying?..did you a-actually..?-"

Midori then shook his head "I'm not lying Aqua and why would I be Anyways?..the other people I'm partnered with aren't the same vibe as how it used to be with you y'know?.. you were brave and the top number one best agent in the whole Mafia Agency..your power was very useful over here.."

I then smile "Well I did kinda miss you as well but..Why didn't you come with me to The Gifted Detective Agency then if you missed me THAT much?"

He then sits up "then why didn't you stayed here in the mafia with me huh?!..You left me behind for that agency..We never saw each other for..Years!.."

I then say feeling a bit bad "I didn't mean to leave you like that!..I just wanted to change my life for the good..Not here,Which the only thing we do is cause chaos!..and destruction!..and i didn't want to do that anymore.."

Midori then stand up and says "You've changed more than what you think Aqua..and not in that good way you think of.." he then walks towards the door

I then try to go with Midori but I'm still handcuffed so I can't go anywhere else but stay on my bed "Midori I can explain!-" I say trying to take off the Handcuffs

Midori then opens the door and says "I'll see you tomorrow now think about your answer..bye..Aqua Rinotsuki.."He leaves and closes the door

"Wait!.." I then sigh and lay down on the bed and then tell myself "what have I've done?.." I then sit up and try to teleport but I can't and then I see a guard entering the room

The guard then says "don't even try.." he says smirking "it's no use trying to escape this prison it's just impossible if you ask me.." he then walks out of the room

I then try to slip the handcuffs off my hands but I can't ,but then  I hear the door open..was it a guard?..Was it Midori?..Was it-?..then One of my coworkers Whose name is Kai Tiksuri enters the room her gift is to control the water so she was able to make some of the guards at the door float away with her awesome power

Kai then says "I'm here to save you because we knew that you would be out for that long ,Leader Aqua Rinotsuki.." she has a Emotionless face like always but has a powerful gift

I then say smiling a bit "thank you Kai..i appreciate it.."

Kai then proceeded to take off the Handcuffs off my hands "there Aqua Rinotsuki.."

I then say smiling a bit Shyly"thank you again and.. can you please just call me Aqua?.."

Kai then nods "Okay Aqua" she helps me stand up

I then stand up, Kai ,and I then walk out the prison for Gifted people but then Someone grabs my hand and pulls me back hard and whispers to my ear..

"You didn't think you could escape that easily did you Aqua Rinotsuki?" Midori says then teleporting Kai somewhere else "Answer My question..Will you stay here at the mafia for 3 months or Stay in this prison for 3 months hm?.." he says while putting his sword on my neck

My breath got caught up my throat when I saw Midori's sword on my neck I then say a bit nervous "th-three months H-here at the mafia.."I gulp nervously

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