The Real Deal

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Midori then said "Just in case you don't know, my ability is to be able to use anyone's ability, just by one touch" he then grabs Chuuyas shoulder and then Midori pick up in the air a piece of the floor

Chuuya then Chuckled "Okay and?It doesn't mean any shit"he looked not impressed a bit somehow

Midori then said "Okay now can we join the 'Port Mafia'? It's what I've been trying to get to that point" he said looking a bit annoyed by Chuuya

Chuuya then shrugged "We have to verify if you guys are worth having or are just pure shit we don't need at our door.."he was about to turn around but then he said "And what about the two girls right there eh?what ability do they have?" He said a bit more curious

I then say "I have Teleportation, I can teleport anything, Objects,People, Body parts, Anything"I say teleporting myself with Midori

Kyosuke then said "My scythe sends people to their worst fears till they can't no more and then have a meltdown." She said with a straight face letting 'Chuuya Nakahara' know that she is serious

Midori then nodded and said "Kyosuke is also my adopted daughter"Midori chuckled in a elegant matter for some reason

Chuuya then said "Mh...Okay..So you guys are like a family or something? And dang y'all are tall.. especially the 'Aqua' girl..isn't it a bit too tall for a woman to be 5"11-6"0??" He said confused

I then say "Well..I have tall parents Soo.." I say trying to make it match up to why I'm so tall even as a woman

Midori then says "How about we get an assignment right now..we bet we'll get them or there in seconds.." Midori then chuckles

Chuuya then says "Oooh~ getting to the job already? Well we can do this as an exam to to really know what you guys are really made of.." he smirks and then he said "I need you guys to find me this person and I'll do the rest.." Chuuya takes out a picture of a man with multiple scars on his face and He pointed at it

Midori then nodded and was about to pat my shoulder to use my power and find that specific person himself but I scooted down a bit and then teleported him to where we were right now "There.. Easy.." I sigh

Midori then sight but in annoyance because he didn't get to do it, Kyosuke then takes out a little black pole thing and then it turned into a giant scythe which surprised me a bit

Kyosuke then said "let me do the rest.."she then giggled and then I looked at the man and he looked like if he didn't care at all about what was happening

The man said "what are you going to do with that scythe kid mh?heh..Youre gonna kill me with that? Psh.. Useless.."he laughs and then I see Kyosuke appear to look dead serious in her eyes because I couldn't see if she was Smirking or not because of her mask..

Kyosuke then hold up her giant scythe which looked heavy..And she then looked like if she were to cut the man in half but instead she just used the tip of the scythe to touch him and then this air force then happened and then the man just disappeared and the air force magic thing that happened seconds ago disappeared as well "done" Kyosuke said and then the man appeared bad looking more terrified than any human being could ever be..

Chuuya looked surprised but still a bit bored, Chuuya then grabbed the guy by it's collar and then said "Okay that was pretty good I guess..But still you guys could do that a bit faster."

Some minutes later...

We were at the port mafia, but I got sent to the 'Armed Detective Agency' because my files said I worked there more than how much I used to work at the Mafia I used to go as a kid, when I entered the 'Armed Detective Agency' I was greeted by two people a guy with white-grey hair with a strip of black, and yellow-purple eyes , and another one that had brown hair,and eyes!. They seemed nice

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