Unexpected Turn

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He smirks, and then looks down at me "I dunno?~..Maybe you need some more intense missions.. to make you stronger and able to predict what will happen next..and that'll make you a faster,stronger,smarter powerful human being.."he says crouching getting to my eye level "You seem to have turn Smaller how come?.." he says while being crouched having his hands in his pockets and still carrying his sword, and starring at my face in a childish way, and innocent as well

I shook my head "I don't think I'll need more intense ones and I'm already very strong..AND DONT BULLY ME BECAUSE OF MY SIZE WOMAN ARE SMALL MEN ARE TALL SO DEAL WITH IT!.."I say annoyed at Midori starring at him face to face

Midori then says Shaking his head "Why are you sensitive all over a sudden Aqua?"he chuckles and then ruffles my hair "You shouldn't take some small comments so seriously or it'll make you shorteer~"He giggles softly putting his hand ontop of his mouth

I then grab Midori and strangle him playfully"YOU-"then Midori, and I hear a door open, it was Yurei. He was looking for Midori ,and when he saw me strangling Midori on his collar playfully but still annoyed, Yurei then immediately ran up to us in seconds ,and grabbed my hand and took it off Midori ,and kinda pushed me aside with force, causing me to fall to the floor "what the-"

Yurei then told Midori while checking if he was okay by adjusting his collar "Are you okay Mr.Midori Ester?..I told you she may be planing to do something to you..that's why I sent some Guards to watch you both while on the hallway" Yurei said while looking worried for Midori not caring that I just fell to the floor,and also ignoring that I was even there at the same room as both of them

Midori then scoffed it off "It's fine Yurei she was my mafia partner for atleast 3years so I trust her, and..Don't be so clingy.." He said helping me get up from the floor adjusting my neck tie, and collar smiling at me

Yurei then sighs and says glaring at me "Why is SHE so special to you? She's just a girl..We are men and are more superior then woman..and I mean..I can be a better partner than her because I am stronger, faster, and smarter but her..look at her!..She just fell with the tiny little push I gave her.. imagine her being in a real actual fight battle!..Shes..gonna..loose immediately.." he says smirking at me with a smirk only fools would be scared of

I then smirk at Yurei, and teleport behind him, and then pick him up even if he's 19 as well as Midori,I then proceeded to throw him up, and to the ceiling almost making him hit it, then I move aside, and then he falls down to the floor painfully "Oh wait did I throw you up to hard?~My apologies Yurei Sataroto.." I grin at Yurei in a real more serious way, and not the way Yurei did it so childish

Midori then giggled a bit, and then said to me "okay for today's practice 1 vs 1 match will be you and Yurei Sataroto..now get on your positions and get serious.." He smiles softly and leans into a wall, but he was smirking at Yurei, and Me

So I wanted to impress Midori so I then got serious, and was face to face with Yurei Sataroto, Yurei was limping a bit because of that hard throw i did but he was still smirking..So i smirked back at him with my serious face

Midori then says "one..two..three..you both may begin now.." he says smirking at both of us

Yurei then smirks and goes to me but I then teleport beside him and I just grab him and pin him to the floor but then Yurei's is hand started to glow red on the sides for some reason and then I felt something change..and instead of me pinning him down it was him pinning me down..How?..what was his power?...But then I teleported beside him once again still laying on the floor and then I grabbed his leg with a good grip and then throw Yurei to the floor hard enough to make him throbbing in pain on the floor, I then stood up and brushed the my hair off my face and smirked at Yurei "Well seems this battle was pretty fair~.."Yurei doesn't reply and just sits there grabbing his knee holding it in pain

Midori then walks up to us and then Grins at me "That was pretty impressive Aqua Rinotsuki..You still seem to need to get some practice tho..Buuuut I don't think there would be any more time because it's night time already so we have to take you to ur room okay?.." he said looking down at my face in a calm way but still a bit impressed by my perfect moves

I then nod at Midori and then we both walk to my old room which was pretty neat to have my old room back I then sat on the bed and it was still pretty soft and cozy,Midori then chuckled and left the room "Sweet old room" I say while smiling sitting on the bed and some pictures on one of the drawers is of me and Midori as well as me being on some of my old previous missions I used to do here at The Gifted Mafia Agency,I then yawned, and then went to sleep, but then I felt this hand of something or someone just grab me, and put me on their arms..they were running,I then emediately woke up and it was Midori,we both then heard bomb noises..was it?..An attack...?

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