Plot Twist

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Midori then said "don't worry everything is fine this is common-"while running towards this underground little place ,and still having me in his arms,he wasn't panicking though

I then responded confused but still panicking "W-WHAT!?-"Midori then shushed me and then I looked at him and still looking behind him at the chaos that was happening at the TGMA..

Midori "shut up, right now I need to remember the code.."he says while then clicking some numbers on a lock which kinda looks like a bank but it isn't a bank

I then nodded and looked around still a bit worried to what happened to the TGMA..

Midori then finally got the code right and opened the bank looking door and behind that door there was a portal.. I was shocked when I saw that ,but Midori looked like he had seen portals already so he just hopped into it still holding me, and he looked dead serious..

Midori, and I then appeared to be in a room of a child..It had various beautiful little barbie dolls..A bunk bed which had childish covers..The room was clean and smelled if it were just cleaned and then I saw a notebook with a portal drawing which looked like the one Midori and I entered some seconds ago..

And then..Midori and I hear the door creak open..shivers traveled throughout my spine..I then turned was a child which looked like a 11-12 year old it seems..and there was another girl behind that first girl..they then proceeded to both hug Midori..

"Midori who are they?..Why are we in a child's room.."I said confused while I kept staring at the other two girls who then turned around as well and looked at me and then winked at Midori which then alarmed me a bit and I then stared at Midori waiting for him to say something..

Midori then looked at me and said "Aqua..Uhm...This may be shocking to you but... She's our...Uhm..-" he said seeming kinda nervous by his facial expression

I then say "She's our what?Tell me.." I say more curious now but still a bit worried..

Midori then said hesitant "She's our creator her name is Beatriz.." he then looked at the girl who's name is Beatriz..

Beatriz then nodded and responded by saying "Hi Aqua!..I'm sorry I couldn't reach out to you first..But.. I am your creator..I made your lore..I made your emotions..I made you...if it werent for me your wouldn't be here heh.." She then smiled softly..

I then looked shocked and backed up a bit almost tripping over and then I responded with.. "N-No.. your lying..This can't be true..stop lying!..I'm a real person!..." I say looking terrified with fear in my eyes not wanting to accept neither believe that I was just a made up character by some stupid girl...

Midori then looked at me and right there and then I realized that they were not lying this is actually happening..This isn't a dream..i then felt tears run down my cheeks..I felt mad and sad a horrible mixed feeling..and the only thoughts running through my head were..'Why didn't they tell me this before?..' and 'So I'm just a stupid little made up character?..' 'Im just made up..I've never been a real person have I?..'

I cry and sniffle multiple times I felt my eyes burning a bit because of how much I was crying..Midori then went towards me crouched down and said "It's okay Aqua..It's not what you think-" I then suddenly pushed Midori aside out of anger and then I realized I pushed him and then I fell on my knees and hugged Midori's leg..I just felt as if i was having a meltdown and i kept repeating "I'm sorry.." multiple times while sniffling and crying..

He then stroked my hair softly and then patted my head in a soft and gentle manner..and then said.. "No need to apologize.. Everything is okay..Now let's get to the real point.." he said then becoming a bit more serious..

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