Getting Along

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Midori then grins at me and puts away the sword "good..that was the response I wanted to hear..and knew you were gonna say because you cant stay on a prison for 3 months can you?it would be Sooo boring if you'd ask me.."he chuckles innocently he then hugs me warmly

I then smile a bit but try to hide it "L-let go of me..Midori.."I say looking away from Midori

Midori then notices my smile and smirks at me "oh is someone smiling?~"he says giggling a bit

I then say "N-no!" A little bit embarrassed

Midori then says playfully "Yes you areee~"Midori then tickles my tummy

I then laugh "H-hey!.." I say laughing

Midori keeps ticking me "your smile is so beautiful"

I smile and still laugh a bit "th-thanks..And I forgot you were this playful" I keep laughing

Midori then lifts me up and swings me around the air softly and playfully and as a friend way

I smile and chuckle while being swung around,I then teleport on the floor "Seems now we are going to be together again for at least 3months"

Midori nods and takes me inside the mafia as we both walk inside the mafia building while we walk we can both hear our footsteps echoing across the hallway and I then saw some guards watching us both while we walked inside"Lets go get you a room.."

I then hear a voice from behind me saying in a confused tone "Aren't you our prisoner Aqua Rinotsuki?.."

Midori then says "Yurei Sataroto she's gonna be here for some months let her alone or don't wanna re-do your entrance exam do you?..I'll sure won't go easy on you the next time.."Midori chuckles

I then ask confused "what entrance exam?..Am I gonna have to do it again?..I remember doing it with this mafia Agent who was pretty good but I won him didn't I?.."

Midori then nods his head "sadly yes your gonna have to re-do the entrance exam by doing a 1 vs 1 with me because now I'm the strongest in the whole Mafia building, and only if you atleast are good at dodging, or hitting with potential you will be able to enter here at the Mafia as an executive only if you get to Atleast do a punch which I doubt you will be able to do..~"he says smirking at me still having his hands on his pockets

I then grin at Midori "Oh is that a bet I hear?.. Because if it is.. I'm gonna show you who the real boss is~.." I say chuckling

Midori then Shrugged, and then said "well if you say it that way I guess it will be a bet~..Buut I won you last time remember?so I don't think you'll win me this time kiddo.." he chuckles a bit

I then say annoyed"Midori we are the same age remember? Oh wait no your 19, and im 18 atleast 1year apart" I roll my eyes and sigh

Midori then chuckles once again, and smacks my back in a friend way just for fun "but still I'm older than you and your younger meaning I'll have to protect boring~oorr..just be by ur side while on missions.."

I then scratch my back a bit because Midori is strong, and even if he intended to do it in a friendly way, he is too strong "ow..that hurt a bit.."

Midori then hugged me, and said apologizing "I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it like that!.."

I then say smiling a bit awkwardly "it's fine" I chuckle

Midori then smiled and then said "Oh and Tomorrow it'll be the 1 vs 1 Date!..Get prepared for my little new tricks~.." He says then leaning on the nearby wall

I grin at say to Midori, and cross my arms "Oh I will practice..and will win you.."

Midori laughs, and says "I bet!.." he stands up, and pats my head

I then realized that Midori was grown taller ever since we met he was now 6ft, but he used to be 5'7 and now I'm 5'8 "Dang it how did you grow so much!?..I look tiny standing beside you.." I say annoyed looking away with my arms crossed

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