Midori's Side/Perspective

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°^Midori's POV^°

I then smiled at Aqua, she was adorable, she always was ever since we've met...I've loved her since the beginning...Without her or Kyosuke I wouldn't know what to do with myself...id be no one without them..Aqua and I then hear a 'ding' meaning that the doorbell rang I then inspected it for a bit and then went towards the door, it was Kyosuke! My lovely daughter~!She came back from school safe and sound!! I then opened the door I then spread my arms while and hugged her tightly like always, and kissed her cheek in a father way she smiled but something was off...she then said

Kyosuke - "Uhm..dad..I...uh...got my.."

Midori - "got your what?..Is something wrong dear?.."

I said worried for her she seemed nervous and not really wanting to talk about the topic by the look of her face but then she opened her mouth

Kyosuke - "I got my period.."


Kyosuke - "you know what it is?.."

Midori - "Of course! I had a little sister and she got it at 17yrs, but isn't it when blood comes out of your y'know.."

Kyosuke - "Yep! Well can you get me some pads please dad?..I'm really bloody right now..."

Midori - "of course! Anything for you my dear!..I could buy you the world!!"

Kyosuke - "it's okay dad you know I don't ask much.."

Kyosuke then smiled, but she was still happy?? I thought when woman get their period once a month get really annoyed and awful cramps..

Midori - "Uhm.. Kyosuke??You sure your on your period? You don't seem in a bad mood.. or in pain.."

Kyosuke - "Oh some females don't get in bad moods and don't get cramps but I do have cramps but I'm not in a bad mood-"

We then got interrupted by this hungry growl that came from Kyosuke's tummy

Midori - "oh okay..You seem hungry,by what your tummy said"

I chuckle, and then I ruffle her hair

Kyosuke - "yeah I am hungry right now.. I'd like to have pepperoni pizza! Yesterday we ate salads..so tomorrow we'll eat something healthy and then unhealthy,then we repeat it and helps us get enough food and be in good shape!"

Midori - "mhm! Good calculating Kyosuke!.."

Kyosuke then smiles, but then she looks like if she were in a bit of pain..maybe cuz of the cramps, I then picked her up and then took her to her bedroom which was supposed to be used as a closet for Aqua?? Who uses a room as a closet?? Anyways I already put her, a big bed there and it was a big room but I had the master bedroom and Aqua had the other one so this one was kinda a master bedroom but just a little bit smaller than any usual Master bedroom you'd seen

I then went out the door and went to get my sweet Kyosuke's Stuff she needed me to buy, I Was gonna go in the car but decided to go walk instead to have the fresh air wash over my face and past by me beautifully, I say in my mind poeticly...

As I walked past some houses down the street I was walking to I saw Aqua Talking to Dazai as they walked towards this little store or what I kinda read was 'A Bar'?.. maybe shes getting something with Dazai-san...I then heard her say 'Kunikida Doppo' with this Blushy face and smile that appeared outta nowhere in the conversation they were having...

Which confused me a bit..Why would she be talking about Kunikida-kun and not about me?..Why with that blushy face? What?- I then remembered that the questions that I was asking to myself were kinda like words those weird stalker boyfriends that are so obsessed with their girlfriend so they stalk them and watch their every single move which gave me the chills just by thinking about it, which made me realize I was wasting time doing all this thinking because of that silly conversation of Dazai and Aqua we're having about Kunikida and ect...

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⏰ Last updated: 11 hours ago ⏰

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