Don't hog her!; The Epilogue Part Two (Original Ending)

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"Mind if I take you out of here for a second?"

Melody couldn't respond, so Taehyung stood and then helped her stand before leading her out of the side entrance.

When they walked outside, she was met with the dark sky fully of stars and when her eyes focused in front of her, she found six figures staring back.

"What is this?" She asked suspiciously, walking backward until she bumped into Taehyung.

"You left us in a very unfair way, Mel." Yoongi admitted, "We couldn't even try to fight for you or work things out."

"We acknowledged your mental toll and because of that, we knew you had to do what was best for you." Jin added.

"But it's been two years." Jimin began, "Two years of taking over our own lives. Making our own money, and getting ourselves together to be fully independent."

"In those two years, there's been no one else. And I do mean, no one. We've worked on ourselves and our mental health. We've seen our wrongs and we've fought to correct them." Jungkook explained.

"Two years of figuring out how to manage life without you. Those two years were long as fuck, Melody. I'm not trying to go another two years without you." Namjoon said softly, "I'm not trying to make it work with anyone else."

"We haven't been whole for a long time now. And if you feel the same way then can we please work this out?" Hoseok asked sweetly, "A no isn't wanted, but it would be respected."

"We know this is a lot." Taehyung said from behind her while placing his hands onto her shoulder, "And we're not asking for an answer right now. But we came here to let you know that we never stopped loving you and that we won't ever stop."

Melody glanced at them all with tears brimming. "What the fuck, man... What is happening?" She began to lightly sob, "How am I supposed to even think right now?" She breathed, wiping her eyes.

"You don't have to answer now!" Jungkook reassured, "Are we overwhelming you? We're sorry—"

"Oh my god, Jungkook, shut up!" She shouted into a laugh, "I don't even know what to say..." she mumbled, "How could someone even know what to do in this situation?"

"Oh just tell them that you'll take it slow!" Mickey yelled from the door.

Melody jumped from
The sudden voice and turned to face her, "Mick? You knew about this?!"

"Please, they helped me plan this whole thing. I told you, Mel, these are my brothers. You thought just cause you left them that I was leaving too? Nope! They love you, and you deserve happiness. If it's too soon, I get it. But they're willing and waiting."

Melody with soft eyes turned back to face them,

"So?" Jin asked patiently.

She nodded her head, "As long as we take it slow then—" Taehyung lifted her into the air and spun them around, when he placed her back down she engulfed into the largest hug before the each began planted her with kisses and spouting about how long two years is.

She hadn't felt this giddy in a long time and she was happy that it was what she was able to feel. When they'd finally gotten enough, the group walked back inside the looks they got were ones of pure support and love.

"Took you fuckers long enough." Spider announced as he walked over to dap up Jungkook.

"Traffic man and then you know Jungkook has to have everything perfect." Jimin replied as he hugged Spider.

"The way everybody's smiling I'd say she said yeah?"

"Of course she did." Mickey gleefully spoke.

Melody rolled her eyes as she's hung off Jin and Hoseok's arms.

"Care to dance?" Namjoon asked as he took her hand and led her to the floor, the group following.

For the remainder of the night, they danced to endless songs and enjoyed the company that found in each other. Spider continued lying about the dances he learned while Taehyung attempted to copy them, Mickey continued to hype them up. Jungkook and Hoseok were doing the robot, Jin and Yoongi did two-steps while snapping their fingers, and Melody wrapped her arms around Namjoon with his arms around her waist as they watched the others and laughed.

She hadn't been this happy in a long time and she didn't care how fast it seemed or if it was too good to be true. She was going to live in this moment and every moment. And it'd be to fullest, especially if it was with the people that she was surrounded by at that moment.

The end...


A/n So we've made it to the final chapter. I don't even know what to say other thank you to everyone who has been on this journey. I'm sad to see it end and have been debating on if I'll do bonus chapters just to see what the crew is doing after all this excitement.

I also want to answer any questions that you may have so comment and I'll either reply via the comment or post an entire chapter just for Q and A's.

With all my love, thank you, my bears.💜


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