"Fuck you Mike" - I

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Wheels on the Bus

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Wheels on the Bus

Natalie Harrington, almost everyone who went to Hawkins Middle or High would know her name. Being the little sister to Steve Harrington she quickly gained popularity. But as quickly as she gained it without being careful she could lose it as quickly.

After what happened the year prior she decided she wouldn't ever associate with "The party" They caused too much trouble and risked all of their lives. Eleven knew her and she knew her. She always wished the two got closer.

Waking up to the ringing of her alarm clock, Natalie pushed the clock down to the floor. Quickly getting up she rushed to the bathroom. Brushing her teeth, and her hair, and changing her clothes as fast as she can.

The girl runs down the stairs. "Steve do you know where my-" Steve cuts her off. "Your backpack? I already packed it, and it's in the car." She looks at him questioningly. "Steve... Are you okay..? Are you dying?! If you are can I have your room?"

He gasps dramatically. "Can I not be nice to my sister?! And no you can't have my room!" She groans while walking to the kitchen. "I mean... usually you aren't nice Steve. Do you want me to cover for you when Mom and Dad get home? Cause you know I will... If I'm feeling nice."

"Nat, no. I just... hurry up and get in the car!" She quickly grabs an apple and rushes outside to the car, sitting in the passenger seat. "Steve, make sure to pick me up at 3 today. Don't be late again." She says as she rolls her eyes.

"You never let me live that down! It was one time! I can't wait for you to start driving because-" She turns on the radio. As they pull up to school a shorter kid with black hair stops in front of their car. "Move what the fuck!" She screams at him. The boy panics and runs off inside the middle school building.

Steve parks his car as he looks at his younger sister. "Natalie please don't cause trouble today. You can't have another detention again." She sighs. "I'll try, just some people get on my nerves. Like how can you be so-" He starts to get out of the car. "I'm serious."

Grabbing her backpack she starts to walk away. "Bye, Steve!" She yells. Walking to her locker she sees a group of boys near it. "Ahem!" They don't pay attention to her. She puts on a smile. "Excuse me! Could you four please move? You're in front of my locker."

"Wait one second!" The black-haired boy grumbles angrily. She gasps and pushes back them. "Fuck you Mike." She mumbles as she opens her locker. As she was grabbing her books the boys slowly moved to a locker next to her. Being the nosey person she is, she listens to their conversation.

"It's been weeks since we saw El!" El? Eleven. "Mike! It'll be fine. Don't worry about it!" Mike scoffs. "Don't worry about it?! How can you be so... so self-centered! Something happened to her. And we need to find out what."

Natalie looks at them. "So... El?" Mike glares at her. "You have no right to join this conversation! You left us when we needed you most!" She scoffs. "Sorry I didn't want my head cut off or something!" She storms off.

The brown-haired girl leaves her books on a bench in the hallway and rushes to the bathroom. There she met her best friend, Julie Byers. Will's twin sister. "Hey, Jules." The two high-five. "What's up Natty?" Natalie dramatically sighs. "Just ran into "The party"." Julie looks at her. "Let's walk."

The two start walking in the hallway. "What were they talking about?" Natalie stops and looks at her. "Eleven." Julie's mouth makes an O shape. Suddenly a teacher walks in the hallway. The two girls look at each other and rush into an empty classroom.

"We're busted." Natalie sighs. "Don't say that! Like, don't. My mom will kill me if she finds out." Natalie gasps. "I have an idea. Okay, so during the break, we pack up and then we go to mine. Then we can call in sick. They could care less about calling home."

Julie squeals. "You're a genius. And I'll just tell Will I'm walking home with you!" The two girls start jumping up and down. They hear noise from another classroom and immediately stop.

During the break, Natalie rushes to grab her stuff and starts to pack up. Looking at Julie whose locker is next to hers the two girls rush out of the building while the other students pack the hallway. "Ah! I've never done this before!" Natalie screams. "Shh!" Julie covers her mouth with her hand.

"Let's go." The two start to walk to Natalie's house. "Oh my gosh! Julie! I forgot. I told Steve to pick me up today. I hope he forgot..." Julie gasps. "It's fine it's not like he'll wait for you."

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About the time school is ending the girls decide that they will go to Julie's house to talk to Joyce and they will call Steve there. The duo goes to the garage and grabs two bikes. As they start biking a car slows down near them. The girls look at each other panicked and bike faster.

After about ten minutes they reach the Byers. Leaving the bikes on the ground they open the door. As they step in they see Joyce and Bob sitting on the couch. "Hi Joyce!" Natalie waves.

"Hi Natalie, Julie!" She waves back. Bob looks at the two. "Hello girls!" The girls look at each other. "Hey, Bob!" After a minute of silence, the two start walking to Julie's room. "Woah! You have so many magazines!" Natalie squeals.

"Look, Julie!" Natalie says as she points to a picture of The Outsiders. "Matt Dillon and Ralph Macchio are so my man! I love them!" She giggles. "Rob Lowe is mine!" Julie states. The two girls start to giggle as they lay in Julie's bed.

"Hey Julie..." Natalie whispers. "Hm?" Julie looks at her. "Do you ever wonder... what would happen if we weren't friends? If we never saw what happened with those monsters."

Julie looks at her and hugs her. "Natty we obviously would've found a way back to each other. We're best friends. We have been for years." She nods and hugs her back.

"Oh, I better call Steve. One sec." The brown-haired girl stands up and rushes over to Joyce. "Joyce? Can I use your phone?" Joyce nods. Natalie rushes over to their phone and calls Steve.

She hears "Hello this is the Harrington residence. Who is this?" "Steve? Yeah, I'm at Julie's" She hears Steve curse. "What?" She asks. "I waited for you, Natalie. Why couldn't you wait. I could've driven you both there." She sighs. "I'm sorry but-" Before she continued she heard the line cut off. He hung up on her. "Ugh! What the fuck!" She groans. "Language!" Joyce yells.

She hears the front door open as she looks over. There stood Will. "Hi, Will." She mumbles as he walks past her. He nods at her. She decides to stay the night as she was pissed off about Steve.

"Night Jules." She says. "Mhm..." The light brown-haired girl responds half asleep. As Natalie slowly starts to drift asleep she suddenly jolts back awake as she sees an image of a monster.

She walks to the bathroom in the middle of the night and sees Will. Sitting on the floor of the bathroom. "Will? Are you okay?" She whispers. His head quickly turns to her as he runs to the door and slams it. She gasps in shock as she runs to Julie's room.

She stayed up most of the night as one thing was on her mind. What. The. Fuck.

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