"If I dont know them, then they dont matter" - II

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Class Fight

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Class Fight

Waking up, Natalie remembers all that happened last night. With Will crying on the bathroom floor. Shaking Julie awake as she heard her alarm. "Jules wake up!"

"Five more minutes Mom..." The Byers girl groans. "Wake up!" Natalie hits her with a pillow. Julie jolts awake. "Jules, can I borrow your clothes?" After the girl nods Natalie jumps off the bed and rushes to the girl's closet.

The two girls sit at the breakfast table. Hearing a door open they turn towards the sound. "Jonathan?" Natalie says as she notices the taller figure. "Natalie? You're here?" He asks. She nods as he smiles at her.

Quickly joining them Will and Joyce walk over to the table. Joyce starts to make the kids breakfast. "Joyce, do you need help?" Natalie asks as she stands up. "I don't want to intrude."

"Natalie calm down. You're like family to us. You're not intruding." Joyce responds. Natalie squeals and hugs Joyce. Joyce chuckles and hugs the girl back.

Natalie sits back down. "So Will..." He raises his head. "How's the party? I mean everyone except... Mike." Will giggles. "Well, we're fine. I mean most of us are. Mike just worried about..."

"About what?" She asks. "El- I mean Eleven. I mean I never really got to know her. But I guess he and her had a strong connection of some sort."

Natalie nods. "Yeah, I guess so. But how are you doing Will? After you know..." His breathing heightens. "Will I'm sorry! You don't have you answer-"

"No Nat it's fine. I'm fine." He responds. Her smile bbrightenas the two pre-teens bond. She turns to Julie. "Hey Jules.." She whispers.

"Hm?" Natalie sighs and smiles. "Maybe I am excited to go to the arcade. I mean I can win stuff!" Julie raises an eyebrow. "Oh? So now we're interested?" She giggles.

"Maybe I am..." The two girls keep giggling until they hear the door open. Everyone's head snaps at the sound. There stood Bob as he walked towards Joyce. He turned her around and kissed her cheek.

"Ew!" Left the mouths of the three kids. They all made gagging sounds. Joyce chuckles at their actions. After everyone ate the girls went to Julie's room. "Jules!" Natalie whines.

"What do you want?" Julie asks with a groan. "Wanna watch a movie?" Julie nods. "What do you have?" Julie opens a drawer and pulls out VHS tapes. "Ahh!" Natalie screams.

Julie smirks as they grab the tape. The two girls start jumping as they run to the living room and plug in the tape. On the screen the credits roll. "The Outsiders" Shows up. The two girls giggle as they lightly shake each other.

Jonathan walks into the living room and quickly walks back into his room as he sees the girls on the couch.

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